
Showing posts from May, 2019

Here is Facebook's Customer Service Phone Number!

Just Kidding! They have no Customer Service at all! Why does one of the wealthiest tech companies on earth have no support phone number? Can they not afford it? No, they can afford it. The answer is: "We are not Customers." We are the PRODUCTS. And Products don't get service.

Here is Google's Customer Service Phone Number!

Just Kidding! They have no Customer Service at all! Why does one of the wealthiest tech companies on earth have no support phone number? Can they not afford it? No, they can afford it. The answer is: "We are not Customers." We are the PRODUCTS. And Products don't get service.

Dr. Young-Hai Chi: The Environmental Crisis and the Increase of Alien Ab...

... I found this on @knightsofmaltaus on Twitter... um... when SMOM is concerned about Alien Hybrids... and the Presenter is from Oxford... um... maybe it's time to take this seriously???

Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories; True Stories of The Illuminati #2: The Tower and Forced Psychic Surgery

(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting my "Sources") (*Authors Note:  This has been one of the hardest stories for me to get down on paper.  Even now, five years later, it is so insane sounding, and there are so few sources I can find to back me up, though I did write letters to all the Police Officers involved, I got no response.  Of course.  Now I will attempt, yet again, to accurately record what happened to me.  Keep in mind that I was hallucinating wildly at the time, having been dosed with an 8-month long lasting Hallucinogen.  Also keep in mind that I am an accomplished Psychedelic Warlord and well experienced with a wide range of Hallucinogens. Finally, keep in mind that many of the details could not have been hallucinations, unless I was on some sort of 5-part Hallucinogen ...

Willkommen Deutsche!

Entweder aus der Nutzung von VPN, mit der ich Deutschland sehr schlau kenne, oder einfach, weil sich viele Deutsche für diese Themen interessieren, über die ich schreibe: Willkommen! Laut Google Statistics hatte ich eine große Anzahl von Besuchern dieser Website aus Deutschland!

The (purposeful) Failure of Modern Education

You know that feeling you got in middle school and college that you would never be using Trigonometry as an adult and why were they forcing it down your throat?  Well, unless you happen to be an Engineer, you and the rest of us were right. Plato invented the school system, as we know it, over 2000 years ago, but don't blame him, he also hated Textbooks and said that was no way for a person to learn.  Before I go on, here is a brief list of Subjects that every citizen NEEDS TO KNOW  in order to be a successful adult, but are never even addressed in School. 1. How to File Your Taxes 2. How to manage your Credit Report and how Credit works 3. How does Medical Insurance work 4. How to respond to a Police Officer and what your "Rights" are 5. How to deal with the Court System, whether it involves Jury Duty, a Traffic Ticket, Suing     Someone/Being Sued, Criminal Case, etc. 6. How Food Works, what is healthy vs what is not, how much carbs/protein/vitamins/...

Who holds the MONOPOLY on TIME?

Aye you can be sure someone  does! I was in 8th grade AP English class when it first occurred to me that there was some nebulous force out there in the world working to ensure that us people have as little free time as possible.  Why?  What is it "they" do not want us to be doing? And why don't they want us doing it? I started with some basic math: 1. Go to School 2. Get married 3. Have kids Then: 4. Work 8+ Hours/Day in order to earn:     Sleep 8 Hours/Day, leaving only 8 hours for traffic, eating,               shopping, cleaning, friends, family, entertainment, telephone,          home improvement, study, etc. 5. Work 5 Days/Week in order to earn:      2 Days/Week for Laundry, Family, Shopping, etc. Sunday used        to be reserved for Church (or Watching Sports). 6. Work 50 Weeks/Year in order to earn:      2 Weeks Vaca...

It's Not So Much Webcams I am Worried About, as it is MIND CONTROL (aka "Eye-Tracking")

  People sometimes snigger at me (and Edward Snoden) for being so "Camera Shy" that we put tape over all of our Web-Cams.  I have had a few friends say "I don't care if someone is watching me type!"  I do, but that is not my main concern.  My main concern is called " Eye Tracking. "   "In recent years, the increased sophistication and accessibility of eye-tracking technologies have generated a great deal of interest in the commercial sector. Applications include web usability, advertising , sponsorship, package design and automotive engineering. In general, commercial eye-tracking studies function by presenting a target stimulus to a sample of consumers while an eye tracker is used to record the activity of the eye. Examples of target stimuli may include websites; television programs; sporting events; films and commercials; magazines and newspapers; packages; shelf displays; consumer systems (ATMs, ...

Dear YouTube: Why Wont YouTube Fix the Music Quality?

Dear YouTube (aka Google aka Alphabet aka In-Q-Tel aka CIA),   In case you haven't noticed (but how could you not?) when I search for a single song on your site I am given a vast array of choices.  Many of them are of a very, very poor quality.  Sometimes full albums are broken up into commercials and sometimes they are not. Sometimes songs have terrible Fidelity  or Tone or  Pitch errors. Here is my question: Why Don't You Fix The Music So That Every Search Renders Only High Quality Results?   My technician friends assure me it would take One  competent programmer no longer than a few days to write One Simple Program,  which you could run on your servers, which would eliminate (or at least give a very low search result ranking) to all songs of low quality (when a higher quality version of the same song exists, of course).  This same program could easily eliminate Duplicate  entries, leaving only the Highest Quality  version...

A Brief History of Google (Or "Why I Resent Them")

In the beginning was the Internet. Then came the World Wide Web. But there was no way to figure out where things were on the WWW, So them came a few "Search Engines," which crawled over the internet, indexing and making it available to one and all. But one search engine stood above the rest, by far, and that search engine was:   ALTA VISTA Why was Alta Vista "The Best" search engine in history?  Because it was the only search engine that actually searched the Entire Internet .  Yep, the whole thing.  Every single bit.  Every word on every page (as opposed to the "Indexing" done, or often not done, by Google today) .  Because it was used primarily by experts (due in part to the requirement to use Boolean Logic for filtering your own results), there was a niche market to be found in making search engines for the stupid and lazy Internet users who were beginning to appear more frequently. Enter  https://...

World's Top Illuminati Countries (and some SMOM Wikipedia Malfeasance)?

"Let's start with those kind nations that generously offered to pay off Liberia's vultures: Switzerland, Norway, Britain, and the United States." -    The only great surprise here for me is Norway.   Though not so great.    Many years ago, let's say around 2000, I nicked the Official Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) handbook from a member.  There was not yet any listing for it on wikipedia, so I copied what it said in their very own booklet and created the first entry. Honesty is the best policy, right? Open source?  Apparently they did not want their SECRET HANDBOOK/SECRET HISTORY  public (though it seemed pretty dull to me, except for the "Queen" part), because their current entry is so full of B.S. that it took them years to make it (up).  I just now looked through ALL  of the Edit History of SMOM on Wikipedia and that page no longer exists.  Not even on  Pretty stran...

Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories [Tales of the Modern Illuminati #4], episode: VTK (Voice-to-Skull)

THIS IS A SOLUTION ALL T.I.'s NEED: I have been fine blotting out my memories of the Gangstalking/MKTech/T.I. days of my life, but something recently harkened me back to them, still trying to make sense of them.  I read the first volume of: and just reading it has caused my nervous system to increase vigilance.  It doesn't want to remember those days, it doesn't want to think about them, but this results in nightmares.  So as I study and process things I am going to resume the writings which started as "Tales of the Modern Illuminati," first as an attempt at self-therapy and second as reference for other T.I.'s. I'm certain that v2k was used on me many times, but one stands out the strongest, as the clearest and most obvious use of MKTech Mind Invasion Technology on me.  I will preface this to say that I did a LOT of drugs in my younger days, of a...

Satanic Illuminati Society in Louisiana

"The fall of the Confederacy in 1865 spawned the rise of the Mystical Order of the Knights of The Ku Klux Klan, whose white-sheeted pogroms against the freed Black population effectively undid their emancipation and restored the Old Order.  In Louisiana, the target was Catholics , the 'French.' So the elite of New Orleans, including the Frenchmen, had to create their own orders. By 1872, the secret societies, The Mystick Krews of Comus and Rex, begun before the Civil War, took on a new mandate: to designate the exclusive rulership of the city and name its King.   For more than a century, membership has remained secret, kept behind masks during Mardi Gras, except for Rex of Rex, the King of Carnival..." - Greg Palast " Following the war, Pike settled in  Memphis ,  Tennessee , where it was rumored he became involved with the  Ku Klux Klan  (KKK), though no definitive evidence proves his relationship with the organiza...

Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories; True Stories of the Modern Illuminati #1 : Cops, Ambulances, Psych Wards, and a "Flue Shot"

(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting my "Sources")   One day in downtown San Francisco I was busy in my apartment working on-line at tracking the Modern Illuminati.  They were quite aware of what I was doing, but I was very young in the Illuminati game and quite underestimated how hard they might strike back at an innocent, disabled, internet journalist with no real resources financial, social, or otherwise.    This Episode is only One (1) example, out of far too many, where the Illuminati DIRECTLY INTERVENED in my life, and a small example of their power over local institutions (at least in San Francisco). THIS IS A SOLUTION ALL T.I.'s NEED:   As I am sitting at my computer I hear a knock at my front doo...

The Argentum Astrum (A:A:.) on Facebook, LOLZ

The Inner Order The Argentum Astrum (A:.A:.) thinks it exists, and even funnier, it thinks that it exists on FACEBOOK!  How do I know this?  Because they contacted me, in order to "recruit" me I suppose, but boy did they pick the wrong sucker! You see, I am already initiated into the A:.A:., but which I mean the REAL Inner Order, recreated by Aleister Crowley for kicks and giggles.  I was initiated into it in person, trained and elevated in person, and given the ORAL INITIATION from an Initiator who was Initiated in person by one who was Initiated in person by Alesiter Crowley himself. To try to explain how stupid it is for the A:.A. to be pretending to exist on Facebook is really very simple.  Crowley has long lists of books, rituals, proficiencies, etc which are required to pass through each degree in the A:.A:.  One of the first books a "Probationer (Oth Degree)" is supposed to study, in order to learn about the A:.A;. is "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary...

Micky's Brief Theory of the History of Freemasonry

The Grand Lodge of Masonry states the "Masonic Year" as 6019. This date is very close to the year of the Jewish Calendar, both of which seem to date themselves from the 2nd Building of King Solomon's Temple.  Masonry makes no attempt to hide it's connection to the Temple of King Solomon, fashioning it's Lodge rooms after it as much as possible. Here is a story I made up about what might have happened. The Old Testament tells a long and often tragic story about the history of the Hebrews.  They have a "True God" who promises them again and again that they will have their own land and that He is leading them there. Yet many years pass and many things happen, none of which lead to this "Promised Land."  So some of the OT Hebrews naturally turn to other "Gods" (like Baal) and every time they do their God PUNISHES them for it.  And they revert to their God.  But more time and more tragedies occur, so some Hebrews turn back to Baal,...

Dear Illuminati

Dear Illuminati,   I have no doubt that some of you know exactly who I am, where I am, who my family members are, etc, etc.   What you do not know is what goes on inside my head and heart, and I'm sorry to inform you that all the data-mining in the world will not tell you, and I think/hope/pray that your physical PsyOps and even Occult interventions into my life and those of my family has proven to you that you will never know.   So I will tell you.  I clearly live in dangerous times, for people with knowledge of the "Inner Order."  You have proven again and again that you can interrupt my life with complete impunity and treat me any way you desire.  What am I to make of this?  Clearly attempting to "fight" you would be stupid and a waste of energy.    If you are under the impression that my Twitter actions with The Council of Foreign Relations, SMOM, and the Media, were my "fighting" you, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I was really ...

The Modern Illuminati: My Own Take

After decades studying "The Illuminati" I have come to my own conclusions.  First, every researcher who traces The Illuminati to Zionism, Satanism, Catholicism, Freemasonry, or Ancient Aliens, is completely wrong.  Also, they are all correct. The evidence proves out for ALL these scenarios.  Yet somehow I never see anyone suggesting that ALL these may be true, at the SAME TIME.  Because that is what I can see clearly. I suggest that the "top" of the Illuminati Power Structure Pyramid on Earth is composed of something like a Council, where all members are roughly equal, all in "friendly" competition with each other in the Millennia long struggle to control all of Earth.  Imagine something like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" except the "Elders" are not all Zionist.  Instead, One is Zionist, One is Catholic, One is Satanic (or "Luciferian"), One is a 33rd Degree Freemason, maybe One is a "Scientific Atheist,...

The PsyOps in earnest started on Facebook with

Twas about five years ago that me old associate Avery Kates ( ) notified me that she had gotten into a wee bit of trouble on Facebook and Youtube and could I possibly lend her a hand? Nay, I was too busy at the time, but I referred her to Dr. Robert O. Black to investigate for me. Avery's got the music bug bad and she spent a lot of time on Youtube crafting her playlists and channel. When she created all of her digital accounts she was the ONLY "Avery Kates" on Youtube, so she was very easy to find.  A few years later her channel is still there, but it is  almost impossible to find because, quite suddenly, a search for "Avery Kates" on Youtube turned up about a million tween girls trying on make-up? What on earth was this about?  In point of fact it seems she was deliberately buried. Here she is anyhow (and I challenge you to find her without this direct link!): Sadly, as I s...

Soverign Military Order of Malta, Pacific Union Club, Bohemian Grove, The Episcapallian Archdioscese, and the Catholic Church.

A True Story:   I knew/know a man who was a resolute Atheist, a very wealthy Conservative, and almost Sociopath in his ability to navigate Social Networks (IRL).  His second marriage was to a widow whose husband was some sort of Political Fixer, a member of the Bohemian Grove, and very close friends with the Bush family.   This man was very passionate about getting admitted into the Bohemian Grove, purely so that he could have business connections with the Wealthiest people he could.  He came from a poor family, so he would have to work extra hard to gain entry, as most members are hereditary. He invited me to witness his initiation into an Order I had never heard of called the "Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)."  According to their quite small membership handbook (that I nicked from his closet) they were a "Catholic" Order, but they were also a "Soverign Nation" with their own Ambassabors, Passports, Diplomatic Immunity, Stamps, and even Co...