Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories; True Stories of the Modern Illuminati #1 : Cops, Ambulances, Psych Wards, and a "Flue Shot"
(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting my "Sources")
One day in downtown San Francisco I was busy in my apartment working on-line at tracking the Modern Illuminati. They were quite aware of what I was doing, but I was very young in the Illuminati game and quite underestimated how hard they might strike back at an innocent, disabled, internet journalist with no real resources financial, social, or otherwise.
This Episode is only One (1) example, out of far too many, where the Illuminati DIRECTLY INTERVENED in my life, and a small example of their power over local institutions (at least in San Francisco).
One day in downtown San Francisco I was busy in my apartment working on-line at tracking the Modern Illuminati. They were quite aware of what I was doing, but I was very young in the Illuminati game and quite underestimated how hard they might strike back at an innocent, disabled, internet journalist with no real resources financial, social, or otherwise.
This Episode is only One (1) example, out of far too many, where the Illuminati DIRECTLY INTERVENED in my life, and a small example of their power over local institutions (at least in San Francisco).
As I am sitting at my computer I hear a knock at my front door. My apartment was fairly well "protected" with a Front Desk and Camera's and such and nobody was allowed past the front desk without presenting valid ID, at which point the Front Desk would call to alert me.
I was not expecting anyone, I had not been out in a few days, I was not drugged, I had not been playing my music too loud; essentially I was completely innocent.
I answered the door and there, to my surprise was One (1) "Police Officer" (In SF The Police ALWAYS come in PAIRS, never just One) who immediately grabbed and manhandled me, cuffing me painfully by twisting my arms behind my back. No Miranda Rights, not even a "Hello" or an ID check. As I mentioned, I was not "Wanted" or even "Under Suspicion" for ANY crime. There was absolutely no reason for that "Officer" to be there and his behavior was VERY UNUSUAL. Though I had been being harassed by The Illuminati for several years, so this was not a surprise, exactly, but this was a different Modus Operandi than I had seen them use before.
As this "Officer" dragged me painfully through the Lobby, not letting me even lock my front door, I whined loud enough for all my neighbors to witness, but he ignored me. Out front he opened the back of a "Police Car" double-parked (With NO PARTNER inside) and just as he was about to carelessly toss me inside an "Ambulance" pulled up behind him and a very handsome, smiling, "EMT," with excellent teeth said
"I'll take it from here, Officer!"
At which point the "Officer" just shrugged, UNCUFFED ME, and HANDED "custody" of me over to the "EMT."
(This is something I have never heard of. There are times when someone is arrested and the Police need to take that person to the Emergency Room, but never, ever have I heard of a simple "hand-off" like this. He didn't even radio in for confirmation or have the "EMT" sign anything. Just a shrug and I was "free.")
I was so relieved to be out of the hands of the rude "Officer" and in the hands of a very polite, smiling "EMT," that I entered the back of the "Ambulance" with no questions or argument. My new "friend", just as with the "Officer" apparently had nothing to say to me. He did not ask my name, did not take my blood pressure; In short he did NONE of the things that ALL EMT's do when they put you in an Ambulance. Apparently they all knew exactly who I was and why I was there. But I still did not.
He had me lay down and immediately gave me an IM (Intramuscular) shot of something in my left arm and I rapidly lost consciousness. This is also something most EMT's NEVER DO (except in Emergencies). I do not know what he gave me, but it was not a pain-killer, as I am very familiar with them, nor did it seem to be an Anti-Psychotic, but whatever it was it put me out very quickly and easily.
When I awoke I was sitting in a chair in San Francisco General Hospitals "PES" (Psych Emergency Services), the Psych Ward for people who attempt suicide and such. I felt very clear and had no hangover from the shot. I stood up and went over to the nurse at the desk and asked her:
"Excuse me, why am I here?"
She asked my name and such and looked at her computer, then proceeded to read to me from the screen. She said:
"Well, it says here they did a blood test on you, while you were unconscious, and it showed that you have just about every single illegal drug in your system."
Though I knew that I had NO DRUGS IN MY SYSTEM I was not at all surprised by this frame-job information. Now if I ever tried to make my Illuminati Research public they had me documented as a total drug fiend in the Psych Ward. Besides the fact that I was clean, even if I was a Super Drug Addict - I was alone in my apartment and hurting no one, so how and why would the Police/EMTs come to my door to get me? Never heard of this happening, but ah well, so I just shrugged.
She kept scrolling down and reading with her brow furrowed. Then she said, in a lower voice like she was talking to herself:
"Well that's odd... I've never seen that before..."
"Yes?" I asked, politely interested.
"It says here they GAVE YOU A FLUE SHOT WHILE YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS... I've never heard of them doing that."
I was still not surprised, but I was amused that this RN was so obviously confused by this. She kept reading and rereading my computer info with her brow furrowed in confusion, until she finally shrugged and said "that's all it says."
Well, that "Flue Shot" made me nearly Psychotic for Eight (8) months until it wore off. This was the 2nd (of 3) times (so far...) that the Illuminati had DOSED ME with the SAME COMPOUND. I began to recognize it's effects and the 3rd time it happened I knew I had Eight months to go, so I decided I'd best go to jail.
Why did I make such a rash-seeming decision? Well, the rest is a lot of conjecture, but I can only assure you it is based on a ton of hard fought EXPERIENCE.
This drug is used by their PSYOPS department to make people vulnerable to both "Mind-Reading" technology they have as well as "Mind-Controlling."
Their "Mind-Control" efforts can be extraordinarily painful and involve the full range of Media, from Computers to old fashioned FM radio, to transmitting voices directly into your head. Having already FOUGHT through this 8-month-Interrogation/programming TWICE, this third time I decided to frustrate them by simply going to jail and spending most of the time in Isolation, where they would have much less power to fuck with me. Also painful, but it worked.
So that's "Modern Illuminati Story #1." Many of these threads will be continued later. But the Police, The Ambulance, The Psych Ward for No Reason, the "dirty" drug test, the 2 Shots, and the "Flue Shot" are all UNARGUABLE FACT, as well as PROOF that *something* which I choose to call "The Illuminati" has Carte Blanche over the Civil Powers of San Francisco, at least, but most probably all major cities in the U.S.
Researching The Illuminati Powers on Facebook, Google, and Twitter IS DANGEROUS. Actually DANGEROUS. Be careful out there!
As I am sitting at my computer I hear a knock at my front door. My apartment was fairly well "protected" with a Front Desk and Camera's and such and nobody was allowed past the front desk without presenting valid ID, at which point the Front Desk would call to alert me.
I was not expecting anyone, I had not been out in a few days, I was not drugged, I had not been playing my music too loud; essentially I was completely innocent.
I answered the door and there, to my surprise was One (1) "Police Officer" (In SF The Police ALWAYS come in PAIRS, never just One) who immediately grabbed and manhandled me, cuffing me painfully by twisting my arms behind my back. No Miranda Rights, not even a "Hello" or an ID check. As I mentioned, I was not "Wanted" or even "Under Suspicion" for ANY crime. There was absolutely no reason for that "Officer" to be there and his behavior was VERY UNUSUAL. Though I had been being harassed by The Illuminati for several years, so this was not a surprise, exactly, but this was a different Modus Operandi than I had seen them use before.
As this "Officer" dragged me painfully through the Lobby, not letting me even lock my front door, I whined loud enough for all my neighbors to witness, but he ignored me. Out front he opened the back of a "Police Car" double-parked (With NO PARTNER inside) and just as he was about to carelessly toss me inside an "Ambulance" pulled up behind him and a very handsome, smiling, "EMT," with excellent teeth said
"I'll take it from here, Officer!"
At which point the "Officer" just shrugged, UNCUFFED ME, and HANDED "custody" of me over to the "EMT."
(This is something I have never heard of. There are times when someone is arrested and the Police need to take that person to the Emergency Room, but never, ever have I heard of a simple "hand-off" like this. He didn't even radio in for confirmation or have the "EMT" sign anything. Just a shrug and I was "free.")
I was so relieved to be out of the hands of the rude "Officer" and in the hands of a very polite, smiling "EMT," that I entered the back of the "Ambulance" with no questions or argument. My new "friend", just as with the "Officer" apparently had nothing to say to me. He did not ask my name, did not take my blood pressure; In short he did NONE of the things that ALL EMT's do when they put you in an Ambulance. Apparently they all knew exactly who I was and why I was there. But I still did not.
He had me lay down and immediately gave me an IM (Intramuscular) shot of something in my left arm and I rapidly lost consciousness. This is also something most EMT's NEVER DO (except in Emergencies). I do not know what he gave me, but it was not a pain-killer, as I am very familiar with them, nor did it seem to be an Anti-Psychotic, but whatever it was it put me out very quickly and easily.
When I awoke I was sitting in a chair in San Francisco General Hospitals "PES" (Psych Emergency Services), the Psych Ward for people who attempt suicide and such. I felt very clear and had no hangover from the shot. I stood up and went over to the nurse at the desk and asked her:
"Excuse me, why am I here?"
She asked my name and such and looked at her computer, then proceeded to read to me from the screen. She said:
"Well, it says here they did a blood test on you, while you were unconscious, and it showed that you have just about every single illegal drug in your system."
Though I knew that I had NO DRUGS IN MY SYSTEM I was not at all surprised by this frame-job information. Now if I ever tried to make my Illuminati Research public they had me documented as a total drug fiend in the Psych Ward. Besides the fact that I was clean, even if I was a Super Drug Addict - I was alone in my apartment and hurting no one, so how and why would the Police/EMTs come to my door to get me? Never heard of this happening, but ah well, so I just shrugged.
She kept scrolling down and reading with her brow furrowed. Then she said, in a lower voice like she was talking to herself:
"Well that's odd... I've never seen that before..."
"Yes?" I asked, politely interested.
"It says here they GAVE YOU A FLUE SHOT WHILE YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS... I've never heard of them doing that."
I was still not surprised, but I was amused that this RN was so obviously confused by this. She kept reading and rereading my computer info with her brow furrowed in confusion, until she finally shrugged and said "that's all it says."
Well, that "Flue Shot" made me nearly Psychotic for Eight (8) months until it wore off. This was the 2nd (of 3) times (so far...) that the Illuminati had DOSED ME with the SAME COMPOUND. I began to recognize it's effects and the 3rd time it happened I knew I had Eight months to go, so I decided I'd best go to jail.
Why did I make such a rash-seeming decision? Well, the rest is a lot of conjecture, but I can only assure you it is based on a ton of hard fought EXPERIENCE.
This drug is used by their PSYOPS department to make people vulnerable to both "Mind-Reading" technology they have as well as "Mind-Controlling."
Their "Mind-Control" efforts can be extraordinarily painful and involve the full range of Media, from Computers to old fashioned FM radio, to transmitting voices directly into your head. Having already FOUGHT through this 8-month-Interrogation/programming TWICE, this third time I decided to frustrate them by simply going to jail and spending most of the time in Isolation, where they would have much less power to fuck with me. Also painful, but it worked.
So that's "Modern Illuminati Story #1." Many of these threads will be continued later. But the Police, The Ambulance, The Psych Ward for No Reason, the "dirty" drug test, the 2 Shots, and the "Flue Shot" are all UNARGUABLE FACT, as well as PROOF that *something* which I choose to call "The Illuminati" has Carte Blanche over the Civil Powers of San Francisco, at least, but most probably all major cities in the U.S.
Researching The Illuminati Powers on Facebook, Google, and Twitter IS DANGEROUS. Actually DANGEROUS. Be careful out there!
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Aye, I dare ya!