It's Not So Much Webcams I am Worried About, as it is MIND CONTROL (aka "Eye-Tracking")

  People sometimes snigger at me (and Edward Snoden) for being so "Camera Shy" that we put tape over all of our Web-Cams.  I have had a few friends say "I don't care if someone is watching me type!"  I do, but that is not my main concern.  My main concern is called "Eye Tracking."

  "In recent years, the increased sophistication and accessibility of eye-tracking technologies have generated a great deal of interest in the commercial sector. Applications include web usability, advertising, sponsorship, package design and automotive engineering. In general, commercial eye-tracking studies function by presenting a target stimulus to a sample of consumers while an eye tracker is used to record the activity of the eye. Examples of target stimuli may include websites; television programs; sporting events; films and commercials; magazines and newspapers; packages; shelf displays; consumer systems (ATMs, checkout systems, kiosks); and software. The resulting data can be statistically analyzed and graphically rendered to provide evidence of specific visual patterns. By examining fixations, saccades, pupil dilation, blinks and a variety of other behaviors, researchers can determine a great deal about the effectiveness of a given medium or product. While some companies complete this type of research internally, there are many private companies that offer eye-tracking services and analysis." - Wiki

Did you catch all that?
  It says that by monitoring what your eyes look at on a screen, how long you look at different things, blinking patterns, pupil dilation, etc: It is possible to know what a person Thinks and Feels about just about everything.

  So when you read those stories about web cams getting hacked and people caught naked, this is really not the scary thing to me.  The scary thing is that by observing my eyes through a web cam, while I'm online or watching videos online; It is possible to MAP MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS
  History has shown that once a person's thoughts and feelings are mapped (see the history of Propaganda, Public Relations, and Marketing) the next step is MANIPULATING THOSE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS.

  Certainly I am no iconoclast on this subject, as in no time at all, all the cameras in the world (including those on every cell phone and street corner) will be engaged in this activity, and I will be living with Sun-glass Implants like the Street Samurai in William S. Gibson's Books and A.I. will be actively manipulating everyone without anyone being the wiser.

There.  That is my concern about webcams staring straight at my eyes as I do stuff.  You should be concerned too.


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