Willkommen Deutsche!

Entweder aus der Nutzung von VPN, mit der ich Deutschland sehr schlau kenne, oder einfach, weil sich viele Deutsche für diese Themen interessieren, über die ich schreibe: Willkommen! Laut Google Statistics hatte ich eine große Anzahl von Besuchern dieser Website aus Deutschland!


  1. Oh I hate this part. Every time I log on I have been checking "google stats" to see who is checking out this site and where they are from... Today I checked and discovered that *somehow* the number of people from Germany who visited this site went from 40 down to 19... so.... what? How does a number get visitors become LESS? Impossible, right? Unless it was done by Google??? Or google was hacked... And why would anyone want to make Germany seem less interested in my work than they are... Unless the original numbers were faked and Google had discovered this and corrected them. Still, this makes me not want to use Google at all and perhaps host my own blog. Then, at least, I could view all IP's myself and even use Geololcation.


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Aye, I dare ya!

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