World's Top Illuminati Countries (and some SMOM Wikipedia Malfeasance)?
"Let's start with those kind nations that generously offered to pay off Liberia's vultures: Switzerland, Norway, Britain, and the United States."
The only great surprise here for me is Norway. Though not so great.
Many years ago, let's say around 2000, I nicked the Official Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) handbook from a member. There was not yet any listing for it on wikipedia, so I copied what it said in their very own booklet and created the first entry. Honesty is the best policy, right? Open source? Apparently they did not want their SECRET HANDBOOK/SECRET HISTORY public (though it seemed pretty dull to me, except for the "Queen" part), because their current entry is so full of B.S. that it took them years to make it (up). I just now looked through ALL of the Edit History of SMOM on Wikipedia and that page no longer exists. Not even on Pretty strange.
My main interest is that their very own handbook said that they answer to "The Queen of Norway," (instead of the Pope, as a good Catholic Order should). I had no idea why that should be and thought it perhaps just a rich person thing. According to this recent publication FROM SMOM, "The Queen" is still the Head. Since it's not on Wikipedia (anymore)... what queen?
But now that I have been learning more about the WTO, IMF, and creation of a One World Government by using Debt... well, I am rather stunned that her connection to SMOM has been entirely erased from the Interwebs. This is far more suspicious than if they had simply left that information up.
And apparently no other "conspiracy experts," no, not one, have found this connection. Gee I must be special. Since this is so bizarre, maybe I'll take it a step further and posit that this is because Norway is home base to modern Nazi Illuminati?
Weird, weird, weird.
We know the U.S. is and always has been strongly allied with Israeli Zionist Illuminati, though CIA has certainly made multiple attempts to align themselves with Anti-Israeli powers, to little effect.
We know the U.S. "Right Wing" Illuminati is largely manipulated and controlled by Britain's Illuminati, though the public seems to think that it is Britain who is manipulated by the U.S.
I happen to know that Her majesty's Secret Service (MI-6) has a special classification for intelligence documents which means "Do not show to anyone who supports Israel or Judaism," suggesting to me their fear of the power of Zionist Illuminati.
We know Switzerland launders money for everyone, especially the old time Nazi's and modern day profiteer criminals.
More and more I am getting the impression that the Zionist Illuminati, though they most probably started the entire Monopoly Game of Global Domination, have been playing Defense against these other "White Power" factions for a long, long, time. At least as far back as the middle ages when the Vatican treated Jews horribly and the Rothschild's "Jewish Network" went to an awful lot of trouble to stop that, because nobody else had the power or inclination to.
And as Pope Francis' recent takeover of SMOM shows, these "white power" Illuminati groups are fighting each other as well.
Through the looking glass.
The only great surprise here for me is Norway. Though not so great.
Many years ago, let's say around 2000, I nicked the Official Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) handbook from a member. There was not yet any listing for it on wikipedia, so I copied what it said in their very own booklet and created the first entry. Honesty is the best policy, right? Open source? Apparently they did not want their SECRET HANDBOOK/SECRET HISTORY public (though it seemed pretty dull to me, except for the "Queen" part), because their current entry is so full of B.S. that it took them years to make it (up). I just now looked through ALL of the Edit History of SMOM on Wikipedia and that page no longer exists. Not even on Pretty strange.
My main interest is that their very own handbook said that they answer to "The Queen of Norway," (instead of the Pope, as a good Catholic Order should). I had no idea why that should be and thought it perhaps just a rich person thing. According to this recent publication FROM SMOM, "The Queen" is still the Head. Since it's not on Wikipedia (anymore)... what queen?
But now that I have been learning more about the WTO, IMF, and creation of a One World Government by using Debt... well, I am rather stunned that her connection to SMOM has been entirely erased from the Interwebs. This is far more suspicious than if they had simply left that information up.
And apparently no other "conspiracy experts," no, not one, have found this connection. Gee I must be special. Since this is so bizarre, maybe I'll take it a step further and posit that this is because Norway is home base to modern Nazi Illuminati?
Weird, weird, weird.
We know the U.S. is and always has been strongly allied with Israeli Zionist Illuminati, though CIA has certainly made multiple attempts to align themselves with Anti-Israeli powers, to little effect.
We know the U.S. "Right Wing" Illuminati is largely manipulated and controlled by Britain's Illuminati, though the public seems to think that it is Britain who is manipulated by the U.S.
I happen to know that Her majesty's Secret Service (MI-6) has a special classification for intelligence documents which means "Do not show to anyone who supports Israel or Judaism," suggesting to me their fear of the power of Zionist Illuminati.
We know Switzerland launders money for everyone, especially the old time Nazi's and modern day profiteer criminals.
More and more I am getting the impression that the Zionist Illuminati, though they most probably started the entire Monopoly Game of Global Domination, have been playing Defense against these other "White Power" factions for a long, long, time. At least as far back as the middle ages when the Vatican treated Jews horribly and the Rothschild's "Jewish Network" went to an awful lot of trouble to stop that, because nobody else had the power or inclination to.
And as Pope Francis' recent takeover of SMOM shows, these "white power" Illuminati groups are fighting each other as well.
Through the looking glass.
Oh shite! I just noticed! The SMOM link is dated 2017!
But The Pope supposedly took them over in 2016
So why are they still under a "QUEEN" and a (Non-Catholic) "Archbishop Tutu?"