Micky's Brief Theory of the History of Freemasonry
The Grand Lodge of Masonry states the "Masonic Year" as 6019.
This date is very close to the year of the Jewish Calendar, both of which seem to date themselves from the 2nd Building of King Solomon's Temple. Masonry makes no attempt to hide it's connection to the Temple of King Solomon, fashioning it's Lodge rooms after it as much as possible.
Here is a story I made up about what might have happened.
The Old Testament tells a long and often tragic story about the history of the Hebrews. They have a "True God" who promises them again and again that they will have their own land and that He is leading them there.
Yet many years pass and many things happen, none of which lead to this "Promised Land." So some of the OT Hebrews naturally turn to other "Gods" (like Baal) and every time they do their God PUNISHES them for it. And they revert to their God. But more time and more tragedies occur, so some Hebrews turn back to Baal, followed by more punishment, etc.
Besides being inconsistent and promising things that are (still) not delivered 10,000 years later, their God taught them to do many things which preserved them, including taking all valuable commodities from those their God told to wipe out, and all this Gold and such belonged in the Temple, to their God.
The picture that is formed in my mind is of a group of people wandering ceaselessly around the middle east, for thousands of years, with no homeland, enemies everywhere, lots of loot and knowledge, especially Occult knowledge.
But their God despises this Occult Knowledge and repeatedly states that he will not be anywhere where these abominations exist...
The 2nd Building of King Solomon's Temple came after yet another extended (and prophesied) period of slavery to the Babylonian's. According to the OT, as well as Masonry, this Temple was built not by the Hebrews, but by Gentiles from Tyre. My guess is these "Builders (as the Bible calls them)" were the first manifestation of Modern Freemasonry. Having no permanent home, the Hebrews might have taken it upon themselves to establish "Lodges" in all the major population areas of the Middle East, so that traveling Hebrews had a place to stay and worship in secret. If these Lodges were known to be Hebrew, they would not have been safe from persecution, so instead they staffed these Lodges with "Builders," whom they paid in Gold, Silver, and Copper. In this light the Masonic Apron may be a reference to Circumcision, hiding the fact in Lodge that the OT Hebrews were different from the Gentiles who ran the Lodges. In this way, the first Network of "Safe Houses" were established and then comes the first major "Hebrew Schism," as well as providing Gentiles with Occult knowledge to practice, to save Hebrews any chance of punishment for participating. If any of these practices seemed to work for the Gentiles, then the (Dark Side) Hebrews could adopt them.
With the 2nd Building of the Temple of King Solomon the Top Tribes of Judaism faced a Quandary. Some intelligent Hebrews began to argue (very logically to my mind): "What if this 'God' that we have been worshiping, through all our disasters, this 'God' who nukes entire towns, kills first-born children, constantly rebukes us, and never leads us to the 'Promised Land'... What if this 'God' is in fact, The Devil? Or even an Alien? Why does He object so forcefully to our worshiping Baals or Ashteroths? If these things are so anathema to Him, perhaps it wold be wise to learn all that we can about such things, as a form of Insurance, just in case this 'God' turns out to be something other than what we thought?"
While on the other side of the debate here were the Old Guard Hebrews who insisted that their God was God and that the promised land was still coming, just as God had always promised. This became a fundamental split in philosophy. Despite this disagreement, both parties were still Hebrews, so they agreed to divide their Lodges into "White Lodges (which would continue to worship God exactly as commanded)" and "Black Lodges (which would specialize in the Occult and finding ways to hide from/outsmart their YHVH)" While remaining united as a peoples. These Black Lodges became the world's first Modern "Intelligence Agency." Perhaps the reason why highly-Masonic WW2 era British Intelligence referred to espionage as "The Dark Arts." And this is the reason why Masonic Temple's have floors of white and black squares. To show that they are still united as a people, despite different ideas about YHVH. Remember that one of the stated main requirements for membership in Masonry is a belief in only One God. It does not say whether this God is "Good" or "Evil." So do some Masons worship "Lucifer?" Yes. Do some Masons worship "Jehovah?" Yes. Do some Masons worship "The Sun?" Yes. Do some Masons view all three of these deities as the same thing? Absolutely.
In this sense the worlds first, largest, group of "Satanists (or Luciferians rather)" were not "Evil" in any sense of the word. They wished no one any harm and did not hate God. They simply believed that the God most Hebrews Worshiped actually was the Devil. And like the ancient Middle Eastern sect of the Yezzidies, they believed that the Devil ruled Earth, and God ruled Heaven. So while they were on Earth it made sense to worship the God of Earth. But being aware that Jehovah had punished them many times for working with Occult powers ("I am a jealous God!" - But what kind of God needs to be "Jealous?"), it became imperative to find a way to HIDE from Him.
So this is the beginning. Started by Hebrews for Hebrews, yes. With a solid outer payed ring of Gentile Mason's to protect the inner core of Hebrews. To give Hebrews a place to go, meet, hide, and work on their Great Work of a Homeland. The Hebrews had learned that no culture would let them rule, and they must have already been tired of traveling and slavery and having their Temples destroyed and sacked, so the only way they stood a chance was to rule secretly from within.
But that was thousands of years ago and Freemasonry has been through quite a lot since then. Jesus claims to be the "rock that the builders rejected," and much scripture backs this up, but that is a minor point for this analysis.
To imagine that Hebrews are still at the center of world-wide Masonry would be pretty ridiculous, considering White Supremacists like Albert Pike have been among the more famous 33rd Degree members. I would submit that at some point, perhaps around the council of Nicea circa 300AD, other intelligent humans besides the Hebrews began to understand what Masonry was about (as all their members became rich from the practice of Fractional Reserve Banking learned from the Babylonians) and began to work to infiltrate and use the Network-Pyramid Structure of Masonry and Masonic Lodges for their own ends.
And thus Freemasonry, in my made up story, has been a sort of "Illuminati Embassy" for at least 6019 years. A place where ALL powerful leaders of secret groups could meet, "as brothers," because nobody wanted another set of plagues like the Egyptians faced, and many of the Hebrews themselves were tired of the cycles of "promise and punish" YHVH was putting them through. From time to time various groups have attempted to take it over (The Templars, Adam Weishaupt, etc) but any success was only temporary. The Templar (Catholic) take-over of both International Banking and Illuminati destroyed them, which resulted in the created of the "Scottish Rite." And the Masonry-controlled countries of England and France duly destroyed the Templars and infiltrated the "Catholic Illuminati."
The phrase I'm looking for is something like "To MONOPOLIZE MAGICK." Anyone who has read the Old Testament (or much of the New Testament) knows that an awful lot of Magick and Occult powers used to be very present on planet earth. When Moses performs miracles as Jehovah directs him, Pharaoh is mostly unimpressed because his Magicians can do the same things. Ancient Greece with its' flawless Oracle of Delphi, and pretty much every B.C. civilization on planet earth knew about Magick and it seems to me the Old Testament and New Testament is very much a document of one Jehovah proving that his Magick is the best Magick on earth, and that all other Magick is not only inferior, but "Evil" as well.
Though there is a fair amount of Magick in the New Testament, performed not only by Jesus, but also by his Apostles in the Book of Acts, for the most part all Magick in the entire world seems to cease to exist, or at least become significantly weaker, after the first Council of Nicaea and the melding of Socrates/Greek Philosophy with early Christians to create the "Roman Catholic Church." A possible clue to this is in the book of Acts, where it is mentioned that all the most powerful Occult books in the Roman Empire were BURNED, representing the loss of much money and wisdom.
I would have to argue that all the Necromancers, Sorcerers, Witches, Prophets, Healers, Enchanters, etc, did not just suddenly vanish from human-kind. Alejandro Jodorowsky writes in the introductions to "Psychomagick" that these people still live all over the world, and mostly use their powers to fight each other.
Is one function of both Masonry and The Church to attract all occult-natured people, make them swear oaths of Obedience.... placing their Third Eye in a Triangle, as it were? Is this why it is so rare in today's Church to have Prophets, Healers, Exorcists, etc when both OT and NT submit that thy will always be around? Could the Illuminati be Monopolizing Magick? So it would seem to me. Cursory studies have proven to me that various Illuminati bloodlines have been trying (unsuccessfully) to "steal" African Magick from the Congo, for at least 1000 years. Modern attempts to use Voudoun against the Haitian people (who used Voudoun to liberate themselves from Slavery and form their own State) have been largely superficial and unsuccessful.
This date is very close to the year of the Jewish Calendar, both of which seem to date themselves from the 2nd Building of King Solomon's Temple. Masonry makes no attempt to hide it's connection to the Temple of King Solomon, fashioning it's Lodge rooms after it as much as possible.
Here is a story I made up about what might have happened.
The Old Testament tells a long and often tragic story about the history of the Hebrews. They have a "True God" who promises them again and again that they will have their own land and that He is leading them there.
Yet many years pass and many things happen, none of which lead to this "Promised Land." So some of the OT Hebrews naturally turn to other "Gods" (like Baal) and every time they do their God PUNISHES them for it. And they revert to their God. But more time and more tragedies occur, so some Hebrews turn back to Baal, followed by more punishment, etc.
Besides being inconsistent and promising things that are (still) not delivered 10,000 years later, their God taught them to do many things which preserved them, including taking all valuable commodities from those their God told to wipe out, and all this Gold and such belonged in the Temple, to their God.
The picture that is formed in my mind is of a group of people wandering ceaselessly around the middle east, for thousands of years, with no homeland, enemies everywhere, lots of loot and knowledge, especially Occult knowledge.
But their God despises this Occult Knowledge and repeatedly states that he will not be anywhere where these abominations exist...
The 2nd Building of King Solomon's Temple came after yet another extended (and prophesied) period of slavery to the Babylonian's. According to the OT, as well as Masonry, this Temple was built not by the Hebrews, but by Gentiles from Tyre. My guess is these "Builders (as the Bible calls them)" were the first manifestation of Modern Freemasonry. Having no permanent home, the Hebrews might have taken it upon themselves to establish "Lodges" in all the major population areas of the Middle East, so that traveling Hebrews had a place to stay and worship in secret. If these Lodges were known to be Hebrew, they would not have been safe from persecution, so instead they staffed these Lodges with "Builders," whom they paid in Gold, Silver, and Copper. In this light the Masonic Apron may be a reference to Circumcision, hiding the fact in Lodge that the OT Hebrews were different from the Gentiles who ran the Lodges. In this way, the first Network of "Safe Houses" were established and then comes the first major "Hebrew Schism," as well as providing Gentiles with Occult knowledge to practice, to save Hebrews any chance of punishment for participating. If any of these practices seemed to work for the Gentiles, then the (Dark Side) Hebrews could adopt them.
With the 2nd Building of the Temple of King Solomon the Top Tribes of Judaism faced a Quandary. Some intelligent Hebrews began to argue (very logically to my mind): "What if this 'God' that we have been worshiping, through all our disasters, this 'God' who nukes entire towns, kills first-born children, constantly rebukes us, and never leads us to the 'Promised Land'... What if this 'God' is in fact, The Devil? Or even an Alien? Why does He object so forcefully to our worshiping Baals or Ashteroths? If these things are so anathema to Him, perhaps it wold be wise to learn all that we can about such things, as a form of Insurance, just in case this 'God' turns out to be something other than what we thought?"
While on the other side of the debate here were the Old Guard Hebrews who insisted that their God was God and that the promised land was still coming, just as God had always promised. This became a fundamental split in philosophy. Despite this disagreement, both parties were still Hebrews, so they agreed to divide their Lodges into "White Lodges (which would continue to worship God exactly as commanded)" and "Black Lodges (which would specialize in the Occult and finding ways to hide from/outsmart their YHVH)" While remaining united as a peoples. These Black Lodges became the world's first Modern "Intelligence Agency." Perhaps the reason why highly-Masonic WW2 era British Intelligence referred to espionage as "The Dark Arts." And this is the reason why Masonic Temple's have floors of white and black squares. To show that they are still united as a people, despite different ideas about YHVH. Remember that one of the stated main requirements for membership in Masonry is a belief in only One God. It does not say whether this God is "Good" or "Evil." So do some Masons worship "Lucifer?" Yes. Do some Masons worship "Jehovah?" Yes. Do some Masons worship "The Sun?" Yes. Do some Masons view all three of these deities as the same thing? Absolutely.
In this sense the worlds first, largest, group of "Satanists (or Luciferians rather)" were not "Evil" in any sense of the word. They wished no one any harm and did not hate God. They simply believed that the God most Hebrews Worshiped actually was the Devil. And like the ancient Middle Eastern sect of the Yezzidies, they believed that the Devil ruled Earth, and God ruled Heaven. So while they were on Earth it made sense to worship the God of Earth. But being aware that Jehovah had punished them many times for working with Occult powers ("I am a jealous God!" - But what kind of God needs to be "Jealous?"), it became imperative to find a way to HIDE from Him.
So this is the beginning. Started by Hebrews for Hebrews, yes. With a solid outer payed ring of Gentile Mason's to protect the inner core of Hebrews. To give Hebrews a place to go, meet, hide, and work on their Great Work of a Homeland. The Hebrews had learned that no culture would let them rule, and they must have already been tired of traveling and slavery and having their Temples destroyed and sacked, so the only way they stood a chance was to rule secretly from within.
But that was thousands of years ago and Freemasonry has been through quite a lot since then. Jesus claims to be the "rock that the builders rejected," and much scripture backs this up, but that is a minor point for this analysis.
To imagine that Hebrews are still at the center of world-wide Masonry would be pretty ridiculous, considering White Supremacists like Albert Pike have been among the more famous 33rd Degree members. I would submit that at some point, perhaps around the council of Nicea circa 300AD, other intelligent humans besides the Hebrews began to understand what Masonry was about (as all their members became rich from the practice of Fractional Reserve Banking learned from the Babylonians) and began to work to infiltrate and use the Network-Pyramid Structure of Masonry and Masonic Lodges for their own ends.
And thus Freemasonry, in my made up story, has been a sort of "Illuminati Embassy" for at least 6019 years. A place where ALL powerful leaders of secret groups could meet, "as brothers," because nobody wanted another set of plagues like the Egyptians faced, and many of the Hebrews themselves were tired of the cycles of "promise and punish" YHVH was putting them through. From time to time various groups have attempted to take it over (The Templars, Adam Weishaupt, etc) but any success was only temporary. The Templar (Catholic) take-over of both International Banking and Illuminati destroyed them, which resulted in the created of the "Scottish Rite." And the Masonry-controlled countries of England and France duly destroyed the Templars and infiltrated the "Catholic Illuminati."
The phrase I'm looking for is something like "To MONOPOLIZE MAGICK." Anyone who has read the Old Testament (or much of the New Testament) knows that an awful lot of Magick and Occult powers used to be very present on planet earth. When Moses performs miracles as Jehovah directs him, Pharaoh is mostly unimpressed because his Magicians can do the same things. Ancient Greece with its' flawless Oracle of Delphi, and pretty much every B.C. civilization on planet earth knew about Magick and it seems to me the Old Testament and New Testament is very much a document of one Jehovah proving that his Magick is the best Magick on earth, and that all other Magick is not only inferior, but "Evil" as well.
Though there is a fair amount of Magick in the New Testament, performed not only by Jesus, but also by his Apostles in the Book of Acts, for the most part all Magick in the entire world seems to cease to exist, or at least become significantly weaker, after the first Council of Nicaea and the melding of Socrates/Greek Philosophy with early Christians to create the "Roman Catholic Church." A possible clue to this is in the book of Acts, where it is mentioned that all the most powerful Occult books in the Roman Empire were BURNED, representing the loss of much money and wisdom.
I would have to argue that all the Necromancers, Sorcerers, Witches, Prophets, Healers, Enchanters, etc, did not just suddenly vanish from human-kind. Alejandro Jodorowsky writes in the introductions to "Psychomagick" that these people still live all over the world, and mostly use their powers to fight each other.
Is one function of both Masonry and The Church to attract all occult-natured people, make them swear oaths of Obedience.... placing their Third Eye in a Triangle, as it were? Is this why it is so rare in today's Church to have Prophets, Healers, Exorcists, etc when both OT and NT submit that thy will always be around? Could the Illuminati be Monopolizing Magick? So it would seem to me. Cursory studies have proven to me that various Illuminati bloodlines have been trying (unsuccessfully) to "steal" African Magick from the Congo, for at least 1000 years. Modern attempts to use Voudoun against the Haitian people (who used Voudoun to liberate themselves from Slavery and form their own State) have been largely superficial and unsuccessful.
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Aye, I dare ya!