The PsyOps in earnest started on Facebook with
Twas about five years ago that me old associate Avery Kates ( notified me that she had gotten into a wee bit of trouble on Facebook and Youtube and could I possibly lend her a hand? Nay, I was too busy at the time, but I referred her to Dr. Robert O. Black to investigate for me.
Avery's got the music bug bad and she spent a lot of time on Youtube crafting her playlists and channel. When she created all of her digital accounts she was the ONLY "Avery Kates" on Youtube, so she was very easy to find. A few years later her channel is still there, but it is almost impossible to find because, quite suddenly, a search for "Avery Kates" on Youtube turned up about a million tween girls trying on make-up? What on earth was this about? In point of fact it seems she was deliberately buried.
Here she is anyhow (and I challenge you to find her without this direct link!):
Sadly, as I suveyed some of her activities on Facebook there are any number of ways she could have gotten herself into a deeper mess than she knew how to handle, here are just a few.
1) She was good friends with Adrian Lamo (@6), had been for many years, and she tried her best to keep him involved in her "campaign." And no, she had no idea he was working for the NSA at this later point in his life. And yes, he is now dead, under suspicious circumstances.
2) After a few Home Invasions and becoming aware that she was being actively interfered with by malicious-seeming humans she went a bit batty and began summoning all the weirdest and most powerful Facebook groups she could and making connections between them so that they could all see what was occurring. These included:
a) "Anonymous"
b) The O.T.O.
c) The Temple of Set
d) The NSA
e) M.I.T.
f) Japanese Yakuza
g) Chinese Triads
h) Russian Mafia
i) Sicilian Mafia
j) Cuban Intelligence
k) Korean Mafia
In the end she was disappeared and still no one has heard from her. Her Facebook account still exists though and it appears to only exist as a sort of "Booby-Trap" because every time I create an account and add her as a friend that account is immediately suspended. EVERY TIME. Try it, if you dare!
Avery's got the music bug bad and she spent a lot of time on Youtube crafting her playlists and channel. When she created all of her digital accounts she was the ONLY "Avery Kates" on Youtube, so she was very easy to find. A few years later her channel is still there, but it is almost impossible to find because, quite suddenly, a search for "Avery Kates" on Youtube turned up about a million tween girls trying on make-up? What on earth was this about? In point of fact it seems she was deliberately buried.
Here she is anyhow (and I challenge you to find her without this direct link!):
Sadly, as I suveyed some of her activities on Facebook there are any number of ways she could have gotten herself into a deeper mess than she knew how to handle, here are just a few.
1) She was good friends with Adrian Lamo (@6), had been for many years, and she tried her best to keep him involved in her "campaign." And no, she had no idea he was working for the NSA at this later point in his life. And yes, he is now dead, under suspicious circumstances.
2) After a few Home Invasions and becoming aware that she was being actively interfered with by malicious-seeming humans she went a bit batty and began summoning all the weirdest and most powerful Facebook groups she could and making connections between them so that they could all see what was occurring. These included:
a) "Anonymous"
b) The O.T.O.
c) The Temple of Set
d) The NSA
e) M.I.T.
f) Japanese Yakuza
g) Chinese Triads
h) Russian Mafia
i) Sicilian Mafia
j) Cuban Intelligence
k) Korean Mafia
In the end she was disappeared and still no one has heard from her. Her Facebook account still exists though and it appears to only exist as a sort of "Booby-Trap" because every time I create an account and add her as a friend that account is immediately suspended. EVERY TIME. Try it, if you dare!
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Aye, I dare ya!