Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories [Tales of the Modern Illuminati #4], episode: VTK (Voice-to-Skull)
I have been fine blotting out my memories of the Gangstalking/MKTech/T.I. days of my life, but something recently harkened me back to them, still trying to make sense of them. I read the first volume of: and just reading it has caused my nervous system to increase vigilance. It doesn't want to remember those days, it doesn't want to think about them, but this results in nightmares. So as I study and process things I am going to resume the writings which started as "Tales of the Modern Illuminati," first as an attempt at self-therapy and second as reference for other T.I.'s.
I'm certain that v2k was used on me many times, but one stands out the strongest, as the clearest and most obvious use of MKTech Mind Invasion Technology on me. I will preface this to say that I did a LOT of drugs in my younger days, of all sorts, but Hallucinogens were my main focus. So I have all kinds of experience hearing voices in my head, even in psychotic states like "Amphetamine Psychosis." I am also a natural Psychic, so I know what it sounds like to hear the voices of spirits or other peoples' thoughts. This is how I know that V2K is none of those, that V2K is different, and that it is humans using technology.
So: V2k, or Voice-to-skull. Episode #1.
It was a night in the middle of months of Gangstalking/MKTECH and EMR (Electronic Mind Reading) invasion. Months of having a computer work to map my thoughts and emotions, months of using drugs to try to keep my cool in the midst of this madness from which there was no escape. And it was not my first T.I. experience; it was my second. With a few years of relative normality between them. This night the nasally voice of a younger man was in my head with crystal clarity. A little behind and to the left of me. I had never heard his voice before, not in real life, nor in music or videos. The clarity of his voice and the rationally constructed sentences he used stood out as completely unusual, not in keeping with the chaotic "hallucinations" that were characterizing the rest of my life. He said his name was "Seth." At first he tried to suggest he was the Devil, or the Egyptian God "Set" and when this was clearly not working on me he suggested he was a high ranking member of "The Temple of Set." I knew that they used technology and had ties to Army PSYOPS and furthermore I had been messing with them electronically on the internet, so this was at least plausible, and I accepted it provisionally. The fact that I could not escape this person was nightmarish. Normally I could leave, or even fight, an aggressor. Not this one. He was in my head, he was there to stay, until he decided otherwise. Most of the time I did not talk to him. But clearly "SYNTELE (Synthetic Telepathy)" was in use because he ended up getting most of my answers anyways.
I do not remember much about the content, mostly the tortuous emotions of being trapped with this evil sadist for about 15 hours, all night. One of his main tactics with me was to present the idea (which I now believe was false, a script specifically made for people like me who are good at figuring things out) that there was some riddle that I had all the clues to, but would still not figure out. That all I had to do was solve this riddle and all the MKTech invasion would stop and I would be given some huge reward and become part of the Illuminati. Something to do with Venus and Copper. He would give me more "clues" which did not help and say things like "come on, man, you can figure this out!" So my mind was wracking itself painfully to try to figure out the "answer" which I was not getting. Against my will, my mind was trying to piece together clues that did not add up to anything, but seemed always just on the edge of knowing.
Naturally I wanted to kill myself. If I were an average person I would have killed myself. But I have attempted suicide many times before and it has never worked, so I had learned that was not an option. More importantly, I knew that this is exactly what he/they wanted and no matter how badly I wanted to do that; I would not give them the pleasure of knowing they had beaten me this way. This was a Theme that lasted throughout my Gangstalking/MKTech/T.I. experience. They made me crave suicide more than I ever had before, but something inside me would not allow them to win that way. Suicide being out of the question, then, I was left with anger at "Seth." Which kept building and building until finally I screamed "I will kill your children, I will kill your wife, I will kill your parents, I will kill everyone you love and have ever loved!!!" This was near the end of the 15 hours. I think, now, that this was exactly what they were aiming for. They wanted to see my deepest anger reaction, what would I do at my worst? And they got it.
I never heard from Seth again. But my promise remains. No matter where he is; I can get to him. No matter what his real name is, no matter what "protection" he has; he is not safe from me. And I am a man of my word.
V2K Episode #2:
This episode also lasted for many hours, over a day I think. Unlike "Seth" the voice was not unpleasant. It was calm, merely narrating for hours and hours the "truth" that I needed to know and could not escape. It seemed not to be talking to me, per se, just to be narrating. It did not respond to questions or answers. This episode came with some visuals as well and the story narration changes somewhat according to my thoughts, using SYNTELE.
The story he told was about me. How I had lived infinitely many lives and I would continue to live for an infinite number more. In the painful state that I was in this was truly the WORST thing I could imagine; that this pain would continue for infinity and there was no escape. I have never been more suicidal, but the voice told me that would not change anything, that I was stuck. Oy! The pain of being a trapped animal. As the narration of many of my lives proceeded the story eventually became weirder. Apparently I was trapped in a video game being run by Aliens. And though it seemed like there were billions of people on earth, really there were only five beings playing the game and one of them was an alien hacker wo had broken into the game illegally. This hacker was my only hope for any kind of win. Everybody I met was actually one of the five players. At the time I was utterly convinced that this was the absolute truth. It made perfect sense. There had been a real earth with humans once and that was what this game was based on. One of the few "bugs" in the game was that not all of the effects of all of Earth's drugs had been catalogued before the destruction of humanity. These were mostly rare drugs like DMT or Ayahuasca, so when a player used them they were inaccurate simulations. This Alien takeover of earth would happen within my lifetime, in the game, because that is what happened in reality. But the incredible PAIN of being tortured and knowing that it would continue for ETERNITY, with NO ESCAPE, is indescribable.
V2K Episode #3:
There was a voice in my head that sounded a lot like my own internalized voice, but I knew that it was not. It had been suggesting things for days. I thought about going to a guy I knew in the ghetto who would sell me a gun. They picked this up right away on EMR (Electronic Mind Reading) and came back strongly with "YES! GO BUY A GUN, RIGHT NOW!!!" The voice was so excited and forceful about the idea that I knew it was the wrong move. Similarly I thought about going back to Cuba, maybe I would be safe there from U.S. Mind Control operators? "YES! YOU HAVE TO GO DIRECTLY TO CUBA! NOW!" O.K., that was no good either. It was Thanksgiving day and I was alone and tortured. I had broken up with the woman I loved because I was being Gangstalked/MKTech Mind Invaded and I was terrified that they would target her too. Naturally I could not explain any of this to her, so she was left broken hearted and confused, as I was. This day my V2K voice told me to go visit her. That I would be happy there. That her place was were I belonged, and so on. My emotions wanted to do this so, so badly. More than anything in the world I wanted her warm embrace in this terrible period of mental torture. Because the voice wanted it; I knew it was the wrong move.
Epilogue: Perhaps it was due to repeated failures like these that they did not use V2K that much on me. Perhaps this is the reason they felt they needed to dose me with hallucinogens which lasted for eight months; to soften me up mentally.
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Aye, I dare ya!