The Argentum Astrum (A:A:.) on Facebook, LOLZ
The Inner Order The Argentum Astrum (A:.A:.) thinks it exists, and even funnier, it thinks that it exists on FACEBOOK! How do I know this? Because they contacted me, in order to "recruit" me I suppose, but boy did they pick the wrong sucker!
You see, I am already initiated into the A:.A:., but which I mean the REAL Inner Order, recreated by Aleister Crowley for kicks and giggles. I was initiated into it in person, trained and elevated in person, and given the ORAL INITIATION from an Initiator who was Initiated in person by one who was Initiated in person by Alesiter Crowley himself.
To try to explain how stupid it is for the A:.A. to be pretending to exist on Facebook is really very simple. Crowley has long lists of books, rituals, proficiencies, etc which are required to pass through each degree in the A:.A:. One of the first books a "Probationer (Oth Degree)" is supposed to study, in order to learn about the A:.A;. is "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary" ( This is a very straight forward book by a Christian Mystic which explains what exactly the True Inner Order is. One of the main points of The Inner Order is that it is INNER! It does not exist on paper, it does not have Lodges, it has no particular religion and it's secrets are only "secret" because if you told them to the entire world no one except the "Initiated" would understand. "Inner" means "Inside." Like inside your heart, head, and soul.
Though Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati was an "Inner Order" hidden within the "Outer Order" of Freemasonry, the evidence that this was not the "Inner Order A:.A:." is clearly shown by their political goals and maneuvers. The true Inner Order is apolitical entirely.
So how comical was it to me when 'The real Argentum Astrum" contacted me on Facebook, of all places? Very, very, very comical. But my laughing at them only made them try harder! "They" sent me some sort of "private Facebook invite" that showed me "Authentic A:.A:. Initiation Documents" apparently signed by Crowley, Theodore Royce, and other Big Names!" LOLLLLZZZZ!
Whoever these jokers were, they really did not understand A:.A:. at all! Even if Crowley did sign those Documents it means nothing at all! "Documents" are all part of "Outer Orders!" Eckart's 0th Degree A:.A:. homework makes this pretty clear. If this Facebook A:.A:. actually thought they were in the Inner Order, because they had PAPERWORK, they really were/are Confused.
However, they did not seem to appreciate my laughing at them and they attacked me with some pretty decent Occult Technology. I was not at all on my guard, and I rather had my hands full busy fighting several Occult Groups at the same time, and they did get the best of me for a bit.
Yet, I still do not know who they are. Were they connected to the O.T.O.? Possibly. Bohemian Grove? Possibly. Temple of Set (aka U.S. Army PsyOps)? Very probably. Anyone who needs a piece of paper to PROVE how "Enlightened" they are is not very enlightened at all. And any "secret occult group" who would be stupid enough to host it's original documents on "private" Facebook areas is certainly not "secret" to anyone with Admin access on Facebook, or any decent hacker, and thus how "Occult" they are is equally dubious.
You see, I am already initiated into the A:.A:., but which I mean the REAL Inner Order, recreated by Aleister Crowley for kicks and giggles. I was initiated into it in person, trained and elevated in person, and given the ORAL INITIATION from an Initiator who was Initiated in person by one who was Initiated in person by Alesiter Crowley himself.
To try to explain how stupid it is for the A:.A. to be pretending to exist on Facebook is really very simple. Crowley has long lists of books, rituals, proficiencies, etc which are required to pass through each degree in the A:.A:. One of the first books a "Probationer (Oth Degree)" is supposed to study, in order to learn about the A:.A;. is "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary" ( This is a very straight forward book by a Christian Mystic which explains what exactly the True Inner Order is. One of the main points of The Inner Order is that it is INNER! It does not exist on paper, it does not have Lodges, it has no particular religion and it's secrets are only "secret" because if you told them to the entire world no one except the "Initiated" would understand. "Inner" means "Inside." Like inside your heart, head, and soul.
Though Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati was an "Inner Order" hidden within the "Outer Order" of Freemasonry, the evidence that this was not the "Inner Order A:.A:." is clearly shown by their political goals and maneuvers. The true Inner Order is apolitical entirely.
So how comical was it to me when 'The real Argentum Astrum" contacted me on Facebook, of all places? Very, very, very comical. But my laughing at them only made them try harder! "They" sent me some sort of "private Facebook invite" that showed me "Authentic A:.A:. Initiation Documents" apparently signed by Crowley, Theodore Royce, and other Big Names!" LOLLLLZZZZ!
Whoever these jokers were, they really did not understand A:.A:. at all! Even if Crowley did sign those Documents it means nothing at all! "Documents" are all part of "Outer Orders!" Eckart's 0th Degree A:.A:. homework makes this pretty clear. If this Facebook A:.A:. actually thought they were in the Inner Order, because they had PAPERWORK, they really were/are Confused.
However, they did not seem to appreciate my laughing at them and they attacked me with some pretty decent Occult Technology. I was not at all on my guard, and I rather had my hands full busy fighting several Occult Groups at the same time, and they did get the best of me for a bit.
Yet, I still do not know who they are. Were they connected to the O.T.O.? Possibly. Bohemian Grove? Possibly. Temple of Set (aka U.S. Army PsyOps)? Very probably. Anyone who needs a piece of paper to PROVE how "Enlightened" they are is not very enlightened at all. And any "secret occult group" who would be stupid enough to host it's original documents on "private" Facebook areas is certainly not "secret" to anyone with Admin access on Facebook, or any decent hacker, and thus how "Occult" they are is equally dubious.
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Aye, I dare ya!