
Showing posts from October, 2022

My New Joke: The Difference Between White and Black People

 Despite what the left-wing media would have you believe, there is a big difference between White and Black people that is pretty obvious if you just spend some time thinking about it.   First we'll start with Black people. A Black person might beat you up and steal your wallet, they might carjack you, or burglarize your home. A Black person may sell dime bags of drugs on the street. In Africa a Black person might create small armies of child soldiers to fight other small armies of child soldiers. Examples of powerful Black leaders include Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Malcom X.  Now White people. A White person is less likely to mug you, but might drop two Atomic Bombs on your country, one of them on a major civilian population center with no military targets. A White person is less likely to burglarize your home, but might burglarize the economy of your entire country using the IMF, World Bank, and Multinational Corporations. A White person is less likely ...

Deep Thought: There Is No Such Thing As "Pure Science."

   There Is No Such Thing As "Pure Science."  Colleges teach that there is such a thing. That doing research in the name of "Pure Science" is the highest possible Academic motivation.  They teach that "Pure Science" is discovering or studying something simply to add to humanities knowledge, to help humanity move forward. Ask Albert Einstein what he thinks about that.   That there is no scientific discovery which will not be used by corporate, government, or military purposes (not that these three are different entities) should be obvious. History is rife with examples.  Yet all around the world are narrow-minded "Scientists" who think no further than their area of research. "Pure Science" is a lie which was created by those who would control the entire planet. "Compartmentation" as CIA and other Intelligence Agencies call it.   If you know any scientists who think they are doing "Pure Research," it would be a benefit...

Deep Thought: Human "Monogamy" and Social Control

   In the animal kingdom, of which humans are a member, there are "Monogamous" and "Non-Monogamous" species.  It is very easy to tell the difference between the two. "Monogamous" animals mate once for life.  That means that once they find their one mate , they never make love to another animal again. If their mate dies, they never make love to another animal again. This is very clear and easy to understand.   Human beings are clearly, obviously,  not  "Monogamous" animals.  Clearly and obviously. Yet the mass mind-control propaganda tells us that we are, that the reason "cheating" occurs is because we are such despicable sinners, and this causes no end of pain when a partner "cheats" or a child is subjected to evil "step-parents" or whatnot.   Now don't get me wrong; I am not advocating Polygamy or Polyamory or anything at all except Scientific Truth and Honesty. When I have a mate the last thing I want is for he...

My New Joke? My Old Strategy? : "Under Surveillance"

   I've been in a lot of situations in my life where I was worried that someone, maybe a cop, maybe a Private Investigator, maybe a CIA or FBI Agent, maybe a Methamphetamine fueled paranoid delusion; it really doesn't matter which because I have developed a foolproof strategy for dealing with these.   What I do, when I spot someone suspicious, is I smile real big and wave directly at them. If they are ultra suspicious I might even approach them and introduce myself in a very friendly manner.  The beauty of this is that, if they are  spying on you; this totally "blows their cover" and is the last thing they want. Also, you can tell a lot about a person's motives based on how they react to a direct smile and wave. If they are just some innocent stranger then there is certainly no harm in a wave and a little chit-chat. If they jump and look surprised or try too hard to ignore you, well that tells you something.   In bigger Intelligence Operations this can have...

My New Joke: "Paranoia"

 You know, sometimes people try to tell me that I am being "Paranoid." But I don't let it bother me.  Any time someone accuses me of being "Paranoid" I just repeat to them that popular modern proverb about Paranoia that I'm sure most of us have heard at one time or another: "Just because I'm Paranoid doesn't mean I wont murder you while you sleep for your conspiracy to poison me."

My New Joke: "Freedom"

 When I went on vacation from the United States and visited Communist Cuba all the people I met there were fascinated by me and used to ask me all types of questions, the most common of which was: "What is it like to be in a free county?" And I would honestly answer them by saying: "How would I know? I'm from the United States!" They must have thought I was from Denmark or Sweden or Switzerland or something.

My New Joke: "Menstruation"

 I like to think about words and their meaning and how society uses them. For example, have you ever wondered why a woman's ovary cycle is called "Menstruation?" I mean, shouldn't it at least be called "Womenstruation?" Or was is named the "Menstrual" cycle because it's a "trial" for men to deal with? At least it kinda works in the word "Menopause," as in "it's time for men to take a pause in using this uterus..."

My New Joke: "Personal Pronouns"

 ... but there are some things that we should never joke about, things that are serious, things about which nothing at all is funny.  Like a people's preferred personal pronouns. It simply a matter of education to understand the importance of this. I firmly believe that a person should at all times be called by whatever pronoun they wish, on one condition: They have to be able to correctly define what a "pronoun" is.  I'm being totally serious. First things first.  If you can't even define what a pronoun is and how it relates grammatically to nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and so on; then it is completely ridiculous for you to demand the right to use one.

My New Joke: "The King of Beers"

 Anyone who really knows beer knows that Budweiser sucks.  So who died and made Budweiser the "King of Beers?"  Was it a self-appointed title? Did "Prince Budweiser" marry "Queen Guinness" and inherit the title? Why hasn't anyone sued for false advertising? If Budweiser can get away with calling itself the "King of Beers," why can't I bottle my own piss and call it "The King of Water?" Who's gonna stop me? Or is it, like, a subtle Jesus reference? Where this one beer stands up and announces himself "King of the Beers" and none of the other beers believe him. They're all like "King of the Beers? Is he meshugina crazy? We haven't even had a King for hundreds of years!" And even though none of the thousands of other beers recognize his title, there are still these twelve beers which taste so bad and are so poor and so ignorant about beer that they are like, "yep, he's the King of the Beers, ...

My New Joke: "Being P.C."

 In all seriousness I do strongly believe in being Politically Correct, or '"P.C." for short.  If we are not sensitive to everyone's needs and situation then what makes a political party who is not P.C. different from the Nazi's, the Fascists, the Totalitarians? Am I right? And we all know, without even having to think about it, that there is only one party in America that cares about being P.C.  You already know who I mean, I don't even have to say it.  Only one party who cares about everyone equally and does not discriminate against any people for any reason.  And I'm not ashamed to stand up for it.  Throughout American history being P.C. has gone in and out of fashion, but I am proud to say that my party is the one party who always has and always will stand for human rights, equality, and true democracy.  That's why I'm an Anarchist...

My New Joke: "The Snickers Candy Bar"

 Ever thought about the candy bar Snickers? Sure, we all have, its a delicious candy bar.  But what's up with the name? A "snicker" is like a rude, mean kind of laugh. Usually at someone else's expense. So, are you snickering at others while you eat it because you get this delicious chocolaty treat and they don't? Is it because the candy bar company "snickers" at you? Because you are paying them for a big, fat, ass and a mouth full of cavities? How about a candy bar called "Leers," or "Squints," or just get straight to the point and call it "I'm Laughing At Your Pain?"

My New Joke: "Tylenol with Codeine"

 Have you ever taken "Tylenol with Codeine?" The pain medication? When you take that, are you taking it because it has Tylenol in it or are you taking it because it has Codeine in it, or are you taking it because when you mix the two together you get some magickal mixture that you can't get otherwise?  The answer is obvious, and every idiot knows, that you are taking it for the opiate Codeine.  The Tylenol is incidental. It's something you can buy at a gas station.  Nobody takes "Tylenol with Codeine" and says " Doctor, this isn't strong enough, I really need more Tylenol!"  It's the equivalent of being caught snorting Cocaine and saying, "I'm not snorting Cocaine! I'm snorting 'Baby Laxative WITH Cocaine.'  The Cocaine is just an additive!"  How stupid do they think we are?