Deep Thought: Human "Monogamy" and Social Control
In the animal kingdom, of which humans are a member, there are "Monogamous" and "Non-Monogamous" species. It is very easy to tell the difference between the two. "Monogamous" animals mate once for life. That means that once they find their one mate, they never make love to another animal again. If their mate dies, they never make love to another animal again. This is very clear and easy to understand.
Human beings are clearly, obviously, not "Monogamous" animals. Clearly and obviously. Yet the mass mind-control propaganda tells us that we are, that the reason "cheating" occurs is because we are such despicable sinners, and this causes no end of pain when a partner "cheats" or a child is subjected to evil "step-parents" or whatnot.
Now don't get me wrong; I am not advocating Polygamy or Polyamory or anything at all except Scientific Truth and Honesty. When I have a mate the last thing I want is for her to be with any other human besides me. These feelings do not change the fact that humans are not Monogamous.
This being the obvious and self-evident truth; why has mandatory Monogamy been preached and demanded of humans? It obviously does not work. Even the relatively few humans who manage this still look at other humans with sexual cravings.
Hypothesis: The reason our rulers demand Monogamy, in a non-monogamous species, is in order to control us better. It is that simple. Our children and wives are "hostages" and slaves who are owned by them, material with which to blackmail our compliance. In a society without enforced Monogamy, where children would be raised by the community and a person may have multiple temporary or permanent mates: It would be nearly impossible for our rulers to know who is a viable hostage for whom, which child to use to blackmail which adult. In addition this arrangement provides for a framework for Eugenics, for the diseased viral meme of "Racial Purity." Without enforced Monogamy it would be incredibly difficult for our rulers to assign "Race" to a child or group and they need the idea of "race" in order to divide and conquer us. It is really that simple.
I can think of no other possible logical reason why this should be so. It is completely against all of our natural God-given instincts. Because we are non-monogamous, we would be much happier and healthier if we lived in a world which reflected this reality rather than condemning it and hating ourselves when we act perfectly naturally, keeping us locked up in guilt, in shame, in secrecy, and betrayal. It would also break down the idea of "ownership" at its roots. When two parent "own" their child they are replicating the structural abuse of their parents/employers/government/God "owning" them. They set up a competition between their child and other children. Rather than all children in a community being brothers and sisters; they are waring competitive combatants. Divided and thus conquered.
It has been repeatedly reported by informers and observers of private "elite" circles all over the world, from the Bohemian Grove, to China, to Israel, and everywhere in between: The "elite" revel in events where there are illegal narcotics and a multitude of skilled sex-workers with which to celebrate their "eliteness" in secrecy. The sad truth of this phenomena is that the "reward" for being a member of the "elite" and helping to enslave the masses is: You get to act like the natural animal that you are. You are "given the gift" of being able to act like yourself. The freedom of being "above the law," that all Anarchists demand for all humanity as a basic human right, is given to these "elites." The "elites" who have these freedoms deny them to everyone else.
I challenge you to tell me why and how I am wrong.
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Aye, I dare ya!