Deep Thought: There Is No Such Thing As "Pure Science."

   There Is No Such Thing As "Pure Science."  Colleges teach that there is such a thing. That doing research in the name of "Pure Science" is the highest possible Academic motivation.  They teach that "Pure Science" is discovering or studying something simply to add to humanities knowledge, to help humanity move forward. Ask Albert Einstein what he thinks about that.

  That there is no scientific discovery which will not be used by corporate, government, or military purposes (not that these three are different entities) should be obvious. History is rife with examples.  Yet all around the world are narrow-minded "Scientists" who think no further than their area of research. "Pure Science" is a lie which was created by those who would control the entire planet. "Compartmentation" as CIA and other Intelligence Agencies call it.

  If you know any scientists who think they are doing "Pure Research," it would be a benefit to humanity if you explained this penultimate truth to them. If they need an example; you can always point to how miserable Einstein was at how his discoveries were used (that would be "The Atom Bomb," which was used not only in war but against a civilian population center with no viable military targets.


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