My New Joke: "The King of Beers"
Anyone who really knows beer knows that Budweiser sucks. So who died and made Budweiser the "King of Beers?" Was it a self-appointed title? Did "Prince Budweiser" marry "Queen Guinness" and inherit the title? Why hasn't anyone sued for false advertising? If Budweiser can get away with calling itself the "King of Beers," why can't I bottle my own piss and call it "The King of Water?" Who's gonna stop me? Or is it, like, a subtle Jesus reference? Where this one beer stands up and announces himself "King of the Beers" and none of the other beers believe him. They're all like "King of the Beers? Is he meshugina crazy? We haven't even had a King for hundreds of years!" And even though none of the thousands of other beers recognize his title, there are still these twelve beers which taste so bad and are so poor and so ignorant about beer that they are like, "yep, he's the King of the Beers, alright!" And Budweiser is like: "See? these twelve believe it, so it must be true!" And the other beers got insulted and got this beer killed, which robbed it of all the flavor and life and power that it had, leaving this invisible, watered down taste? I don't know. I just don't know.
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Aye, I dare ya!