My New Joke: The Difference Between White and Black People

 Despite what the left-wing media would have you believe, there is a big difference between White and Black people that is pretty obvious if you just spend some time thinking about it.

  First we'll start with Black people. A Black person might beat you up and steal your wallet, they might carjack you, or burglarize your home. A Black person may sell dime bags of drugs on the street. In Africa a Black person might create small armies of child soldiers to fight other small armies of child soldiers. Examples of powerful Black leaders include Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Malcom X.

 Now White people. A White person is less likely to mug you, but might drop two Atomic Bombs on your country, one of them on a major civilian population center with no military targets. A White person is less likely to burglarize your home, but might burglarize the economy of your entire country using the IMF, World Bank, and Multinational Corporations. A White person is less likely to sell dime bags of drugs on the street, but is more likely to import kilos and may get your entire country intentionally addicted to drugs such as Opium in China or Cocaine in the United States. A White person is less likely to engage in small wars where the two forces are roughly equal, but may commit genocides. Not only against other races, but even against his own race. Examples of powerful White leaders include Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Putin.

  I hope you now understand the difference. So next time someone tries to tell you that White and Black people are the same you can give them the true answer; "No way. White people are far more evil than Black people."


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