My New Joke: "Tylenol with Codeine"

 Have you ever taken "Tylenol with Codeine?" The pain medication? When you take that, are you taking it because it has Tylenol in it or are you taking it because it has Codeine in it, or are you taking it because when you mix the two together you get some magickal mixture that you can't get otherwise?  The answer is obvious, and every idiot knows, that you are taking it for the opiate Codeine.  The Tylenol is incidental. It's something you can buy at a gas station.  Nobody takes "Tylenol with Codeine" and says " Doctor, this isn't strong enough, I really need more Tylenol!"  It's the equivalent of being caught snorting Cocaine and saying, "I'm not snorting Cocaine! I'm snorting 'Baby Laxative WITH Cocaine.'  The Cocaine is just an additive!"  How stupid do they think we are? 


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