My New Joke? My Old Strategy? : "Under Surveillance"
I've been in a lot of situations in my life where I was worried that someone, maybe a cop, maybe a Private Investigator, maybe a CIA or FBI Agent, maybe a Methamphetamine fueled paranoid delusion; it really doesn't matter which because I have developed a foolproof strategy for dealing with these.
What I do, when I spot someone suspicious, is I smile real big and wave directly at them. If they are ultra suspicious I might even approach them and introduce myself in a very friendly manner. The beauty of this is that, if they are spying on you; this totally "blows their cover" and is the last thing they want. Also, you can tell a lot about a person's motives based on how they react to a direct smile and wave. If they are just some innocent stranger then there is certainly no harm in a wave and a little chit-chat. If they jump and look surprised or try too hard to ignore you, well that tells you something.
In bigger Intelligence Operations this can have interesting side-effects, as your walking around manically smiling and waving at far too many people, the question which must occupy the spies in question becomes: "I know why he is waving at us, we are spying on him and he wants to show off and antagonize us... but why is he waving at those other people?! Is he just waving at random people or are they Agents of some other kind, working for an unknown party?"
In any serious Investigation the Agents will then be forced to expend resources investigating these other people, just to be 100% sure. And though Police, Spy Agencies, Private Security Corporations, Mafias, and their ilk love to pretend that they are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; naturally they are not. They have limited budgets, limited man-power, and other cases to deal with. They have to prioritize.
So the more money, manpower, and time (which are the same in this situation) you force them to waste, the closer you are to getting rid of them. Quality PsyOps at bargain basement prices!
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Aye, I dare ya!