(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting my "Sources") I was a student at the All Boys school Grace Cathedral from Kindergarten through 8th Grade. During my time there were serious scandals with total regularity, yet somehow they never made the News, nor did they detract from this school's reputation as one of the "Most Elite School's in the City of San Francisco. 1. In Kindergarten my female teacher and the Headmaster were caught having sex in his office and both left quietly at the end of the year. In my 8 years there was a new Headmaster virtually every year. 2. The organ player in the church from K-5, Mr. Fenstermaker, was fired for molesting boys for an unknown number of years. Not JAILED, but fired. 3. In 2nd grade during gym some 6 boys were playing inside...