
Showing posts from June, 2019

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What is Privacy?

What Is Privacy by Michaleen Garda @michaleengarda  Now _this_ is what the world needs!:   Privacy is when you have to take a nasty bowel movement and you do not want anyone to hear the sound of your unhealthy butt-noises.   Privacy is when you are making love to someone and you do not want anyone else to watch or hear. Because you want it to be just the two of you. Because you cannot sexually express yourself honestly if you know that someone else is watching, and judging, your every movement. Because you do not want others' to see your lover in the throws of sexual intimacy. Because your combined nudity is for you two alone and for no one else. The Privacy you two share makes the experience of penultimate intimacy.   Privacy is when you are on your knees, praying to your God (or any God who might listen), and your prayers and feelings are meant to only be between you...

Witamy gości z Polski!

17 W tym tygodniu!

Satanic Illuminati Sex-Slave Mind-Control Network Outed in Public... And no one cares.

READ: This is so deep, so disgusting, that I could not even finish reading the wikipedia article, which is comparitively mild compared to the truth.  I only heard about this group last night on NPR, where it was a 10-second headline, never referred to again.

Bem-vindo Português!

O Google me informa que, repentina e inesperadamente, o país de Portugal está subitamente muito interessado no blog desse velho cansado...   É o "católico" ou talvez o "Illuminati"?

All Humans Need Water and Toilets: So Why ...?

                        At the most basic level all humans need two basic, affordable, things:                                Water and Toilets !                                      ...     This being the supremely obvious case; Can anyone please tell me why our World is not filled with Water Fountains and Toilets?   If we are really living in such an "advanced" and "civilized" (even "Futuristic") world, I can think of zero reasons why all the major cities of the world would not be full of public water fountains and public toilets.   Instead, there is a quite obvious lack of these basic...

How The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) Turned Evil

Warning:  The following contains 9th Degree O.T.O. secrets.  If you are in the O.T.O. and not a 9th Degree, or if you hope to join the O.T.O. one day you are forbidden and discouraged from reading this.   First there was the O.T.O. that Aliester Crowley made and it was good.  Uncle Al left his Order to Grady McMurtie, aka Hymaneus Alpha, and it nearly disappeared from the face of the earth, but with the help of Charles Reese aka Ebony Anpu aka Frater 137 it was revived and revitalized.  Before the death of Grady there was no clear successor to the throne of Caliph, though Grady tried to give Frater 137 a bump from 6th Degree to 9th, Frater 137 refused because he was an honest and serious Thelemite with no desire to "skip important initiation steps" and certainly no desire to lead the O.T.O.   Thus it was that when Grady died the future of the O.T.O. was decided by a court battle between three parties almost nobody had ever heard of.  Hymaneus Beta ...

Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories: Banking

Ever wonder why every 7 years all your bad credit disappears (with the exception of student loans and bankruptcies?), but why Bank Robbers can still own accounts? Similarly if you abuse your banking institutions you will be flagged in Chexsystems, which will make it impossible for you to even get a Bank Account for... 7 years! I just read in the Book of Deuteronomy that the OT God ordered this, through Moses, that every 7 years all debts are to be forgiven. Also I was curious why The Lord of the OT spends so much time hoarding so much wealth so early on.  Deuteronomy explains that Israel will (one day) loan out The Lord's money to many other nations of the earth and is not allowed to borrow from other nations.  Further Israel's people are not allowed to practice Usury - but only with each other - they are encouraged to use Usury against all other nations. This is certainly a far-seeing God to set up a system like this, so far in advance, and would this be one of the ...

What Happened To All The Old Testament Hebrew Names?

   As I dilligently study my Old Testament I am constantly faced with a very large number of interesting Hebrew names.     As a layman of Anthropology, specifically Linguistics, I have to wonder:                               What Happened To All Those Names ?   There are hundreds and hundreds of names that just seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth...  Why and how?   Sure there are still David's and Solomon's and Levi's around, but when compared with the names in the New Testament which are still nearly all widespread;   It seems to me that a suspiciously large number of names have been lost to mankind's culture.  There must be a reason for this.

Grace Cathedral, Episcopallian Archdioscece of San Francisco... and Secret Bohemian Grove Pedophellia Network?

(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting my "Sources")   I was a student at the All Boys school Grace Cathedral from Kindergarten through 8th Grade.  During my time there were serious scandals with total regularity, yet somehow they never made the News, nor did they detract from this school's reputation as one of the "Most Elite School's in the City of San Francisco. 1.  In Kindergarten my female teacher and the Headmaster were caught having sex in his office and both left quietly at the end of the year.  In my 8 years there was a new Headmaster virtually every year. 2.  The organ player in the church from K-5, Mr. Fenstermaker, was fired for molesting boys for an unknown number of years.  Not JAILED, but fired. 3.  In 2nd grade during gym some 6 boys were playing inside...

No, I do not have a phone or email. Does that make me a bad person?

"What's your phone number?" "I do not have a phone." "What's your email address?" "I do not use email." "How are we supposed to contact you?" "You do not need to.  I will contact you." (Mean stare at me) ...   It was not so long ago that this was a totally acceptable answer.  Every day, more and more, I am being treated like something alien because I do not have a phone or give people my email address.  But I am STILL A HUMAN BEING.  Perhaps I am more  of a Human because of this.   For example, the Pharmacy asked for my phone number.  I asked them why they needed it.  They said it was so that they could contact me when my medications were ready.  I explained that I have a voicemail number, which only exists in cyberspace, and that if they left a message there I would have to go somewhere that had a computer in order to check it, thus it was inconvenient for me to check my messages.  I know when my prescrip...

Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories; True Stories of the Illuminati #3: Introduction to SFGH's PES

(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting my "Sources") (*Authors note: This is mostly a boring story, and not well written, but it provides necessary background material which comes up later in my grand Illuminatus Trillogy 2012)   I had been on the run around San Francisco, without any of my medications, for about three weeks.  The thing about being on Pain Management Narcotics is that if you lose them (or in my case have them stolen), you cannot get any replacements.  You just have to wait for your next Doctor visit.   Today was finally the day of my M.D. appointment and I went straight there from my "Ordeal X" on Knob Hill (a truly stunning story I will have to write later).  I was being followed by black SUV's and far too many gentleman who seemed like Private Security.  Knob H...