All Humans Need Water and Toilets: So Why ...?

                        At the most basic level all humans need two basic, affordable, things:

                              Water and Toilets ! 
  This being the supremely obvious case; Can anyone please tell me why our World is not filled with Water Fountains and Toilets?
  If we are really living in such an "advanced" and "civilized" (even "Futuristic") world, I can think of zero reasons why all the major cities of the world would not be full of public water fountains and public toilets.
  Instead, there is a quite obvious lack of these basic facilities, even in so-called "First World Nations."  Rather, the norm is that you only get to use a toilet if you are paying money at a business or are rich enough to afford your own private toilet at your home and the majority of water must also be bought and payed for.  
  While various "factions" argue about "Wellfare" and "War" expenses in the Trillions of Dollars; Water and toilets for ALL could very cheaply be supplied and they would serve ALLRich and poor, male and female, all races: Need these two things at a bare minimum and it seems NONE of the World's governments can provide even this simplest of human necessities.

 Am I really the only person who finds this situation appallingly obvious?  Appallingly easy to fix?  What is the problem here?  Do legislators not drink water or use toilets?  I have been meditating on this for years and the only hypothesis that comes to mind  is that those in "Power" simply do not want "The People" to be free of these basic, instinctual concerns.  They want us constantly focused on solving the most basic of human problems so that we have much less time and energy to devote to thwarting whatever nefarious plans they have.  Nefarious I said? No doubt.  Because anyone who would spend Trillions on Space Defense and Zero on Public Water Fountains and Public Toilets must be mad.

  I am open to suggestions.

All humans deserve to experience freedom from Electromagnetic pollution and warfare:


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