Gangstalking/MKTECH Memories: Banking

Ever wonder why every 7 years all your bad credit disappears (with the exception of student loans and bankruptcies?), but why Bank Robbers can still own accounts?

Similarly if you abuse your banking institutions you will be flagged in Chexsystems, which will make it impossible for you to even get a Bank Account for... 7 years!

I just read in the Book of Deuteronomy that the OT God ordered this, through Moses, that every 7 years all debts are to be forgiven.

Also I was curious why The Lord of the OT spends so much time hoarding so much wealth so early on.  Deuteronomy explains that Israel will (one day) loan out The Lord's money to many other nations of the earth and is not allowed to borrow from other nations.  Further Israel's people are not allowed to practice Usury - but only with each other - they are encouraged to use Usury against all other nations.

This is certainly a far-seeing God to set up a system like this, so far in advance, and would this be one of the major reasons for so many wealthy Israelite's being involved in World Banking?  Makes sense to me.

As a side note, it looks like the OT also set up the Court system in use today.  From the lowest Judges to the Supreme Court.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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