How The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) Turned Evil
Warning: The following contains 9th Degree O.T.O. secrets. If you are in the O.T.O. and not a 9th Degree, or if you hope to join the O.T.O. one day you are forbidden and discouraged from reading this.
First there was the O.T.O. that Aliester Crowley made and it was good. Uncle Al left his Order to Grady McMurtie, aka Hymaneus Alpha, and it nearly disappeared from the face of the earth, but with the help of Charles Reese aka Ebony Anpu aka Frater 137 it was revived and revitalized. Before the death of Grady there was no clear successor to the throne of Caliph, though Grady tried to give Frater 137 a bump from 6th Degree to 9th, Frater 137 refused because he was an honest and serious Thelemite with no desire to "skip important initiation steps" and certainly no desire to lead the O.T.O.
Thus it was that when Grady died the future of the O.T.O. was decided by a court battle between three parties almost nobody had ever heard of. Hymaneus Beta aka William Breeze won and this was the beginning of the end of Uncle Al's grand design for the O.T.O., though he knew all too well that this sort of thing was going to happen eventually. It is why he used so many codes, ya know.
An integral part of the O.T.O., by design, is the "Gnostic Catholic Mass." If you are wondering why Uncle Al put the word "Catholic" in there it is because Uncle Al was actually a Christian (no I am not joking), but this is something I will elucidate for you later. The "Cakes of Light" used as Communion wafers in the Gnostic Mass are (or were rather) made using 9th Degree "Sex Magick" and contain both the sperm of the Priest and the Lubrication fluid of The Priestess. When these cakes are made according to their original design, by initiated Priests and Priestesses they are "Cakes of Light" because they are Magickally designed to share the power of the Mass Couple with all who partake.
After Hymaneus Beta took control he changed the (secret) way that the Cakes of Light were made, citing AIDS transmission risk, though that makes no scientific sense because the cakes are baked in an oven, which would clearly kill any "AIDS." The way in which he changed the making of the cakes was that the sexual fluids are now mandated to be burned to ash before mixing it with the dough for the wafer.
This change bothered Frater 137 and many other serious old O.T.O. hands, because in a very real Magickal sense this turned the "Cakes of Light" into "Cakes of Darkness." From living cakes into ash cakes. From a Holy ritual into a Demonic one, all without the knowledge of the lower degree members who eat these cakes.
They killed Frater 137, with Magick, just as they killed Francis King for publishing "Secrets of the O.T.O." and I'm sure some of them would like to kill me too. Ah well, I'm just a witness. So there.
First there was the O.T.O. that Aliester Crowley made and it was good. Uncle Al left his Order to Grady McMurtie, aka Hymaneus Alpha, and it nearly disappeared from the face of the earth, but with the help of Charles Reese aka Ebony Anpu aka Frater 137 it was revived and revitalized. Before the death of Grady there was no clear successor to the throne of Caliph, though Grady tried to give Frater 137 a bump from 6th Degree to 9th, Frater 137 refused because he was an honest and serious Thelemite with no desire to "skip important initiation steps" and certainly no desire to lead the O.T.O.
Thus it was that when Grady died the future of the O.T.O. was decided by a court battle between three parties almost nobody had ever heard of. Hymaneus Beta aka William Breeze won and this was the beginning of the end of Uncle Al's grand design for the O.T.O., though he knew all too well that this sort of thing was going to happen eventually. It is why he used so many codes, ya know.
An integral part of the O.T.O., by design, is the "Gnostic Catholic Mass." If you are wondering why Uncle Al put the word "Catholic" in there it is because Uncle Al was actually a Christian (no I am not joking), but this is something I will elucidate for you later. The "Cakes of Light" used as Communion wafers in the Gnostic Mass are (or were rather) made using 9th Degree "Sex Magick" and contain both the sperm of the Priest and the Lubrication fluid of The Priestess. When these cakes are made according to their original design, by initiated Priests and Priestesses they are "Cakes of Light" because they are Magickally designed to share the power of the Mass Couple with all who partake.
After Hymaneus Beta took control he changed the (secret) way that the Cakes of Light were made, citing AIDS transmission risk, though that makes no scientific sense because the cakes are baked in an oven, which would clearly kill any "AIDS." The way in which he changed the making of the cakes was that the sexual fluids are now mandated to be burned to ash before mixing it with the dough for the wafer.
This change bothered Frater 137 and many other serious old O.T.O. hands, because in a very real Magickal sense this turned the "Cakes of Light" into "Cakes of Darkness." From living cakes into ash cakes. From a Holy ritual into a Demonic one, all without the knowledge of the lower degree members who eat these cakes.
They killed Frater 137, with Magick, just as they killed Francis King for publishing "Secrets of the O.T.O." and I'm sure some of them would like to kill me too. Ah well, I'm just a witness. So there.
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Aye, I dare ya!