Grace Cathedral, Episcopallian Archdioscece of San Francisco... and Secret Bohemian Grove Pedophellia Network?
(*Note: This is not necessarily autobiographical, though written in the
First Person, but I would not relate it if I was not convinced of the
truth inherent and by posting all data under my account I am protecting
my "Sources")
I was a student at the All Boys school Grace Cathedral from Kindergarten through 8th Grade. During my time there were serious scandals with total regularity, yet somehow they never made the News, nor did they detract from this school's reputation as one of the "Most Elite School's in the City of San Francisco.
1. In Kindergarten my female teacher and the Headmaster were caught having sex in his office and both left quietly at the end of the year. In my 8 years there was a new Headmaster virtually every year.
2. The organ player in the church from K-5, Mr. Fenstermaker, was fired for molesting boys for an unknown number of years. Not JAILED, but fired.
3. In 2nd grade during gym some 6 boys were playing inside a "fort" made of gym mats. I went inside and an older kid was teaching the others to play "train," which consisted of sticking their privates into the next kids bum. This type of behavior is not natural kid play, but the manifestation of abuse.
4. In 3rd grade the Chess Club teacher was fired for molesting boys. Again "fired," not "jailed."
5. In 5th grade the Choir Master was discovered to have been molesting boys for some years. He was fired, not jailed.
6. Multiple other cases, all silently squashed. You would think that the parents of the most expensive Private School in San Francisco would have done more, right? But nobody wants their kid famous for being molested.
And The Leap:
Many years later, as an adult, I was "trashing (going through the garbage)" at Grace Cathedral and I found a quantity of private Bohemian Grove material, including their Calendar of events for that year. Members only material. Though it is slightly possible that someone at Grace Cathedral was a member of the Bohemian Grove and threw it away (doubtful, as everyone employed there is too poor to afford the dues and not a member of the societal Elite); It looked much more like they worked as "Administrators" for the Bohemian Grove. Not so surprising, with so many members frequenting the Pacific Union Club two blocks away, though why the Bohemian Club would not do that is beyond me... But it caused me to remember all the molestation cases at that school during my time there and made me wonder why no one was ever jailed...
And when I try to search on Google for any of this information... well... zip.
I used to think so.
I was a student at the All Boys school Grace Cathedral from Kindergarten through 8th Grade. During my time there were serious scandals with total regularity, yet somehow they never made the News, nor did they detract from this school's reputation as one of the "Most Elite School's in the City of San Francisco.
1. In Kindergarten my female teacher and the Headmaster were caught having sex in his office and both left quietly at the end of the year. In my 8 years there was a new Headmaster virtually every year.
2. The organ player in the church from K-5, Mr. Fenstermaker, was fired for molesting boys for an unknown number of years. Not JAILED, but fired.
3. In 2nd grade during gym some 6 boys were playing inside a "fort" made of gym mats. I went inside and an older kid was teaching the others to play "train," which consisted of sticking their privates into the next kids bum. This type of behavior is not natural kid play, but the manifestation of abuse.
4. In 3rd grade the Chess Club teacher was fired for molesting boys. Again "fired," not "jailed."
5. In 5th grade the Choir Master was discovered to have been molesting boys for some years. He was fired, not jailed.
6. Multiple other cases, all silently squashed. You would think that the parents of the most expensive Private School in San Francisco would have done more, right? But nobody wants their kid famous for being molested.
And The Leap:
Many years later, as an adult, I was "trashing (going through the garbage)" at Grace Cathedral and I found a quantity of private Bohemian Grove material, including their Calendar of events for that year. Members only material. Though it is slightly possible that someone at Grace Cathedral was a member of the Bohemian Grove and threw it away (doubtful, as everyone employed there is too poor to afford the dues and not a member of the societal Elite); It looked much more like they worked as "Administrators" for the Bohemian Grove. Not so surprising, with so many members frequenting the Pacific Union Club two blocks away, though why the Bohemian Club would not do that is beyond me... But it caused me to remember all the molestation cases at that school during my time there and made me wonder why no one was ever jailed...
And when I try to search on Google for any of this information... well... zip.
I used to think so.
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Aye, I dare ya!