My New Joke: "Zionist."
OK folks, this requires a trigger warning because I am about to say a word that I am not allowed to say. One single word that as soon as I say it will fill your heads with all sorts of images and ideas about what kind of person I am and what you think I believe in and all sorts of other delusions that you would be wrong about.
The only reason I feel strong enough to say this word to you right now is because I read it written in a New York Times article recently over twenty times. So if the New York Times can say it so much I have to wonder if the time has finally come when I can say this word publicly without immediately being judged an asshole or worse. Are you ready? Here we go, the word is: "Zionist."
That's right, I said it, "Zionist," as in "Zionism," as in "that word which has something to do with Jews and I don't know what, but I do know that anyone who says it must be a Nazi or conspiracy freak." That "Zionist."
So. How are we all feeling, now that I have said that word? Have you judged me or labelled me as something yet, now that I have said "Zionist?" Does anyone here know what the word "Zionist" means? Anyone? Does anyone know if it's a Political, Ethnic, or Religious term? Let's see a show of hands; how many people think that the word "Zionist" is a bad word, a discriminatory word, or a racist word? How many people think it's a neutral or positive term?
It can be hard to tell, admittedly, as often this is judged primarily by who says it. The author of the article I read was Jewish and she was talking about the state of Israel, so she is allowed to write it over twenty times, but for some reason I am not allowed to say it because I am not Jewish.
And before you start making false connections between "Jews can say Zionist like Black people can say the N-Word, but nobody else can; let me accurately define the word Zionism for you: 'a political movement for the establishment and support of a national homeland for Jews in Palestine, now concerned chiefly with the development of the modern state of Israel." That's all. It's a neutral political term.
But that seems not to be all, strangely. I have never heard of anyone of any race or religion other than Jewish be called a "Zionist," even if they are one by definition. Many American politicians, for example, strongly support a Jewish Israel, but not even their Jewish supporters call them "Zionist." If a Palestinian Muslim admired and supported the Jewish State of Israel they certainly would never be called "Zionist." So though the definition is a neutral political one; it in fact only refers to Jews who have this political belief. Don't blame me, this is not my fault, this is just the way it is.
I have a hard time thinking of any other Political Movements that only encompass one ethnic religious group... the only two that come to mind are ISIS (who believes in a Muslim State run according to Muslim Laws) and the World War Two era Nazi Party (who believed in a Pagan white Aryan state for Pagan white Aryans).
But of these three groups only "Zionist" is considered respectable enough to grace countless New York Times articles. And while "Nazi" and "Muslim Terrorist" are popular slurs and insults that real Nazis and Muslim Terrorists love when other people adopt as their label... "Zionist" is still reserved for Jews alone and it is a very popular movement in Israel.
And while the United Nations and countless other NGO's have labelled Zionist actions against Palestinians as "Terrorism..." I'm the one who's not allowed to say the word "Zionist." Is there a "Zionist Conspiracy" in Israel? Not anymore! Now they are very open about their plans. Was their previously a Zionist Conspiracy to take over Israel? Who knows. But if so; they were very successful.
Now, maybe you wont see the humor in this next part, but I think there is a delicious irony that possibly nobody except me and the Zionists will appreciate.
Trigger warning number two, I'm about to say another word I'm not really supposed to say. I think the reason why it's socially acceptable to be a Zionist, but not a Nazi or Muslim Terrorist, is because of The Holocaust. Yes, The Holocaust is the perfect excuse for anything Jewish. Why are Jews allowed to kill innocent Palestinians? The Holocaust. Why is Zionism needed? The Holocaust. Why did Israel steal their first Nuclear Weapon designs from the U.S.? The Holocaust. Why is Israel selling the most advanced and intrusive Cyber Weapons to anyone who pays? The Holocaust. Why do the majority of Russian Mafiya Oligarchs as well as famous child-sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein have Israeli Passports and citizenship? The Holocaust.
I mean my God has there ever, in all human history, been a better all-purpose excuse? The Russian Mafiya is currently the richest, strongest, most violent Mafia on planet earth, by far. Their origin came out of the Joseph Stalin led Pogroms and Genocides. But when Russian mobsters get caught, they don't say "It's because of Stalin." Nobody has sympathy for that.
Of course The Holocaust was a singularly evil and tragic event, not comparable to any other. But the amount of leverage that Zionists have gotten out of it is not to be believed! If I was Jewish I'd use it all the time too! Caught speeding? "I don't know how fast I was going, Officer, I was thinking about the Holocaust." Don't have your homework? "Sorry, teacher, I am depressed about The Holocaust." It was incomparably bad for the Jews that went through it, and it was scaring for their children... but now we are up to great-great-grandchildren... will it ever be enough?
Now before you paint me a White Supremist, let me tell you honestly that I am a member of the Roma race, commonly known as "Gypsies." Every Gypsy the Nazis found also went to the Concentration Camps and Gas Chambers. But every time I try to mention The Holocaust it's "you're not Jewish, you wouldn't understand." And that's true. I don't understand because there were numerically far less Gypsy's than Jews, because there was no Gypsy Rothschild to help us get our own country, and because Gypsies were (and still are) both less organized and poorer than Jews. We don't own any PR agencies, we don't have epic movies made about us because we have no influence in Hollywood, no good books about us because we have no influence in the world of Publishing, there certainly is no "Gypsy Anti-Defamation League," and I don't think I have ever read a single Pro-Gypsy article in the New York Times, or anywhere else.
We are today what the Jews used to be: Poor, transitory, dispersed, misunderstood, discriminated against, and nobody cares.
So you'll have to forgive me when I suggest you move your first-world white Liberal Guilt away from the Jews and focus on us Gypsies. Israel 2022 is wealthy, Nuclear-Weapon-Having, Zionist, and ethnically cleansing the remaining tiny tribe of Palestinians left on the land the Zionists took, and are taking, from them.
Say what you will about Gypsies, I mean it is true that we have a history of petty crime and small con jobs. But we don't blame The Holocaust when we are caught, we don't have a nation of any kind that accepts us, and we damn sure never had an Army or went to war with any minority.
So, yeah, as a fellow Holocaust Survivor, I'll say it: "Zionist."
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Aye, I dare ya!