My New Joke: "There is Nothing Funny About Rape."
There is nothing funny about rape. Just hearing the word "rape" brings to mind the large number of people whose lives have been ruined by it. Turned upside down. I mean, I really feel for the poor victims of rape. All those poor men...
Have you ever slept with someone who just wasn't that into it? It's terrible! If someone is really cold in bed it can be difficult to even cum! I can't even imagine how unpleasant it must be for a man performing rape. Having sex with someone who actually hates you? That must scar you for life. I mean, if you want to have sex with someone who hates you, you should do it the traditional way and just get married.
And that's not even counting the rape victims in Prisons. If you think it's hard raping a woman; imagine how hard it must be raping a man and pretending it's a woman! And it's absolutely rampant. Male-on-male rape in U.S. Prisons far outnumbers male-on-female rapes. And why can't we put a stop to it? Why can't we find a way to get through to these Prison Guards that rape is not OK? Can't we just sit them all down and say: "look, rape is wrong, and it's rampant in your Prisons. So stop raping the inmates!" I mean these Rapist Prison Guards, raping men all day long, are probably the same people who rape women in their off hours. They must be so sick of raping men that they go out and rape women just for a change of atmosphere!
I mean I don't know what the solution is, but there is nothing funny about rape.
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Aye, I dare ya!